What Was The Stupidest Rule In Your Hall?

by minimus 60 Replies latest jw friends

  • Stefanie

    So did my ex, that was one rule he silently told them to shove up their ass.

    Needless to say we all were the victims of his hairy nipples at sat morning service meetings! He was the only Elder at the hall who refused to wear an undershirt.

    *and it was always cold in that hall*

  • Glenmore

    There was a young brother who was arranging Wt studies on a Weds for the younger ones going from one home to another. It was fun for the kids. They got to color in the Wt and then listen to music, play games etc. I thought it was a great idea. The E-team stopped that.

  • Stefanie
    * Pouring water on my tight t-shirt for Stef *

    Is it a blue shirt?

  • SAHS

    ? Nobody (even worldly relatives) allowed to clink glasses at a wedding.

    (Might bring the demons, stumble somebody, or it?s pagan?I dunno!)

    ? Not allowed to say, ?Good luck,? or ?God bless you? after a sneeze.

    (They?re just common expressions. They should really also make a law forbidding the phrases ?Thank you,? ?You?re welcome,? and ?How are you?? They could be ?pagan? too!)

    ? No going to any food place outside district convention grounds.

    (I think they hand out elder sheriff badges in the convention administration department.)

    ? No wearing beards.

    (You wouldn?t want to look like a Christian, would you?)

    ? No sister shall read any paragraphs at the Congregation Book Study?.

    (A sister might be the president of a large corporation, but she can?t read a friggin? paragraph even in someone?s private home? Give me a break! Also, why the hell can sisters take turns on the main reception desk at Bethel, and also read scriptures at the Book Study?, but they?re not allowed to read paragraphs from the book? Hello!!)

    ? No smurfs.

    (Once at a JW social gathering, they only had a plastic tablecloth with smurf cartoons on it. So they actually turned it over so no-one would be stumbled! It?s true, folks?I?m not making this one up!)

    ? No hanging up posters of famous people.

    (Unless it?s of Charles Russell, Judge Rutherford, or your local presiding overseer.)

    As for wearing only white shirts, it doesn?t really matter to me what colour they are?they?re still just as uncomfortable!


  • Mutz

    This wasn't at the KH I went to but my friend told me of a Congregation he visited where it was the rule that any brother giving a talk HAD to wear a white shirt. They had a selection of white shirts in various sizes in the cloakroom for brothers to change into. They were brought down to earth by a CO who was rather colourful and wore suits and shirts that were defo non standard. Apparently when he gave the first talk of his first visit wearing a yellow shirt some super-righteous brothers were close to fainting (ok slight exageration) :)

  • mrbarthoss

    You could not "handle the mikes" if you had facial hair of any kind, especially side burns - and there seemed to be a constant monitoring of the length of hair as well.

  • c5


    We had the "white shirt only" rule in our hall wayyy back in the 70's and probably before. They did not enforce it when colored shirts became popular in the 80's.

    My brother got in trouble for wearing a "bolero" type suit while operating mikes at a meeting. There was nothing immodest or extravagant about it. The cut was not all that short. My friend and I had picked it out for him and he looked very nice in it. It reaffirms that anything just slightly in style was looked down upon, at least for a few years until more people tried to get away with it.

    I remember that there was a rule that sisters HAD to wear nylons. I always hated wearing them in service, especially on hot sticky days. I had no clue to why the older sisters and brothers thought is was immodest to go without nylons. You could see through them anyways.......I just don't get it. What does one-one-millionth of see through fabric have to do with immodesty???

    There was a circuit-wide rule of no mini-skirts, or in thier terms,skirts above the bottom of the knee. I say it was only circuit-wide because in the big city circuits, the sisters were allowed to get away with skirts that were a little more showy than we were.

    No slacks for sisters was a common rule. In some congregations near mine, a few sisters in the 70's and 80's tried to get away with a "nice pant-suit", but were immediately marked as bad association.

    Pertaining to the comment from another poster on this thread about number of earring holes, we were looked down upon if we had more than 1 hole per ear!!! It was extremely worldly to have 2 holes or more per ear.

    Oh, and no ankle bracelets. I tried to get away with this one, but was severely critizised. They told me that ankle braclets were tied in with prostitution. Maybe they were in some culture in another time, but not now! I still have those pretty ankle bracelets tucked away somewhere,,maybe should get them out and wear them.

  • bull01lay


    Nobody (even worldly relatives) allowed to clink glasses at a wedding

    If I remember correctly, the origin of that one was from medieval times, when poison was primarily used for assassinations etc. All guests at a gathering would clink tankards, glasses etc vigorously, spilling a little of the contents into each vessel, as a sign that nothing was poisoned. As poisons came out of vogue, the clinking continued as a salutation between friends.

    Why aren't you allowed to do it ??? Dunno... it really is a stupid rule!!

    Gadzooks, here endeth the lesson methinks,


  • FlyingHighNow

    That white shirt rule was not a society rule but one that some congregations tried to enforce on their own. This was pointed out either in a talk by the CO or in the Watchtower.

    Stefanie....2 funny!! I hate tee shirts---just for the record!

    Mini, yeah we know, you just want to show off those adorable little nipples of yours.


  • minimus

    In one Hall, a sister would get counseled if she wore a LONG dress that had a slit of ANY sort. The slid could be below the knee and they'd still get it!

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