Why do X-Witnesses have a higher divorce rate?

by Joker10 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • Joker10

    Some time ago i asked how many of you have divorced to get the idea if X-JWs posters have a higher or a lower divorce rate than the general population. Of those who responded 86% have been divorced. (6 out of 7)

    Studies show inactive and X- Witnesses, not only have a considerable higher rate of divorce than current members, but even higher than of the general population. Jehovah's Witnesses have a divorce rate of 5%. 25% of the general population have had at least one divorce during their lifetime.

    Why do you think so many end up in divorce? Do you think that after leaving 'God's organization' things have turned up better for them by divorcing?

  • SixofNine

    :Why do you think so many end up in divorce?

    Because it's often the right thing to do.

  • blondie

    I think your stats are faulty, joker10, and not scientific. You cannot poll all the ex-JWs who neither post here or even come here. So your numbers are skewed.

    I posted elsewhere that of the 60 JW weddings of my contemporaries that I went to in 1973, 40 are now divorced, 5 are on their second divorce.

    Staying married, does not mean a person has a good marriage. My husband knew of 5 marriages at the KH that were "married" but living separately and another 5 that were constantly seeking the elders "advice" for the abusive treatment the husband meted out to his wife and children.

    The WTS itself even brought out at the DC this year that the number of divorces amont couples at the KH is alarming.

    Have you been to the DC yet? You will find them telling faithful JWs to stay away from dating services; I wonder what they would say of places like here.


  • Odrade

    Okay Joker, IF that were true, (and I don't see any evidence that it is, but just assuming for argument's sake) I would guess it's because so many J-dubs got married extremely young and for one reason only... to have sex. When they finally grow up, and WAKE UP they realize they are completely incompatible after being forced into stupid marriages.

    Either that, or the smart one, who leaves the organization, is treated like a corpse after leaving, so they, being of sound mind, (finally) won't put up with being treated that way--like a non-person, less important to their spouse than their sales job for the Watchtower and Book Publishing Corporation.

  • Nocturne

    omg!!! That was too funny. Thanks for making laugh out loud because of your comment Joker10. You just made my day.

  • patio34
    Some time ago i asked how many of you have divorced to get the idea if X-JWs posters have a higher or a lower divorce rate than the general population. Of those who responded 86% have been divorced. (6 out of 7)

    I missed the question originally. Did you qualify that as ones who had gotten divorced while an active JW? Just because an ex-JW is divorced doesn't mean they divored after leaving the JWs.


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Oh oh Oh Joker You need to take a course in research methods. First you sample is squewed. You have a selective sample and it is biased.

    If there is a higher incidence of divorce amongst ex-JWs than the average population I would suspect a variety of reasons as possibilities

    • age of individuals at the time of marriage
    • length of marriage
    • whether both partners are firm believers
    • what basis the decision to remain married or to divorce is made
    • other options such as separation
    • willingness of respondents to admit to problem marriages or divorce
    • changes in situation over the life span

    Interestingly we have here on this board many couples who married as JWs and both have left and are still together. And happy!

  • gumby

    What a stupidass comparison!

    That's like saying..."people who work around radiation, have a way higher rate of cancer".

    Good gawd, your comparison is based on one member leaving a cult that both parties are invoved with, then wonder why there might be some serious marriage problems and divorces. Dubs who marry after leaving dubdom might have a high rate of divorce as ones on a rebound such as that.....might act a little wackier.

    I assume your intent is.....'those who leave god like ex-dubs do..........start acting like their daddy, Satan'.


  • onacruse

    joker, I well remember how the WTS used to tout, for decades, that divorce rates among JWs were much lower than the world in general, and presented that as evidence of God's blessing on his chosen people.

    Funny thing, though: in the late 70s-early 80s, the divorce rate for JWs sky-rocketed, and all-of-a-sudden the JW-divorce-rate was just as "bad," or worse, than the world...leading to a long-term series of WT articles about the unScripturalness of divorce.

    Oh, btw, the Bible doesn't condemn divorce per se, especially when it's the wife divorcing the husband. Revisit Paul, with an open mind.

  • Lostreality

    Hmm...sounds like JW spouting to me.

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