CNN , Headline News , and 1914 , hhhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmm !!!!!!!!!!

by run dont walk 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • run dont walk
    run dont walk

    saw a great little piece on Headline News or CNN the other night, they showed a memorial celebration of the 90th year of World War One. (1914)

    Now think about this, how many veterans do you think attended from World War One ???????

    The one veteran who layed down a wreath, was 108, and he talked a little, the best he could, and thanking his fellow war heroes.

    This piece really hit home with me, because, didn't the Watchtower once say, the generation of 1914 will not pass away, remember the early teaching, "they would have to be able to understand the things going on", "first started with 15 years olds, then ten year old, then CAN'T be babies born, then can be babies born.", All of the remaining veterans were in wheelchairs, only one actually could walk, but needed help. And none could look after themselves, from what i saw.

    When i saw the age of these ones, and the glow in their face, and the proudness they still showed, you could see it in their eyes, it made me think, well Watchtower, what happened to all the BS you shovelled for decades, having people believe your lies and calculations, especailly regarding 1914, well ???????????

    well how many do you think were there from WW1 ??????????????????

    only 4 , hhhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmm, well Watchtower , you really look stupid, maybe we should re-title, Millions Now Living Will Never Die, to Possibly One Now Living Will Never Die.

    for me the news piece made me think.

    just my thoughts.

  • shamus

    They're lying prophecies! I remember that watchtower where it said that this 'world' would possibly not last throught the 20th century, LOLOL!


  • Snapdragon

    It seemed so weird to me, when I was in, that I could feel so proud when seeing war vets, yet it was so "bad" to be patriotic.

    I wish I had seen that piece on the news. Because now I can get teary eyed with no guilt, and feel proud of our great grandparents and of what they did for us.

    And Shamus, I remember in early 90 thinking: "Wow, this is like, probably the first year of the great tribulation. Neat. Paradise is coming soon. Cool." Obviously, I was 13, but it seemed so exciting to me.


  • johnny cip
    johnny cip

    run don't walk; great expose' one the jw's truely back down from, if they even know about it? this is one of my best arguements with jw's. to truely see the events of 1914, you would need to be a soldier. at least 16-18 yrs old at a minimum. making you 106 yrs old at the least. like you said you only saw 4 vets at the parade. and most likely they didn't join ww1 till 1917-18 add the extra 3-4 years to 1914 and you get 103-107 years old. come on these are the fewist of few. the wt said the generation was to be up in 1914 40 year harvest from 1874-1914, 1918,1920 25 30's 41 , ww2 ,1914+37 years the generation for the destruction of jerusalem =1951 (korean war) 40 years the end of korean war . any time before the 70's , then any time before 21th century. now they are implying 120yrs+1914 with the time of noah. i still get jw's defending the generation idea. telling me every morning on the nbc news they say happy birthday to people over 100. and use this as justifaction. the lenghts a jw will go to , to defend the craptower is amazing..... john

  • XQsThaiPoes

    Wait you get teary eyed for WW1 vets? That was one of the bloodiest and most useless wars in history. Nobody should have fought in that war. I don't mean disrespect. But beside invent adolf hitler, modern tools of war, and a few other characters what non evil thing came from that war?

  • XQsThaiPoes

    You I think are off Johnny. You would need you be a bible student not a soldier. THe watchtower claims the nations were blind to the obvious events of invisible spirit creatures in heaven, and were egotistically being macho by engaging in mass carnage. The think is I don't know any 108 year old JWs that were bible students and knew that in 1914 the king jesus kingdom was set up. Remember nothing on earth was related to the prophecy.

  • johnny cip
    johnny cip

    xq's ; ww1 was bloodly but far from one of the worst till that time. a little google search on wars will show that with ease. there were 100's of wars in history ,were many more were killed than in ww1 the wt gives the idea to unknowledgable persons that ww1 was some kind of land mark war. the truth is far from it. john

  • 4JWY

    Just seven months after our "walkaway" from JW, my husband's dad was awarded with 7 purple hearts,(60 years later, due to lost paperwork and red tape) - He had been a POW in Japan for three years and witnessed many of his comrades beheaded. We'd heard all the stories over the years - never really appreciating them of course or getting the full gist of what he'd experienced - not allowing ourself to FEEL the normal emotions.

    Well--you've never seen a prouder EXJW stand beside his 80 year old dad at the ceremony and parade that followed with tears flowing freely. If the awards had been given in any earlier year, my husband would not have attended. It was a very surreal experience for him and one day a movie may come out of it. My father-in-law has already been approached by a producer in Hollywood who would like the story.

  • JH

    I have an uncle that was born in August 1914. He is still alive, and will be 90 this month. Each time I see him, he reminds me of the 1914 generation prophesy. He isn't too well, and I don't expect him to live another year.

    Saying "millions now living will never die", wasn't food in it's proper time...

  • stillajwexelder

    Hey it has been 65 years (almost a lifetime) since the satrt of WW 2 - nevr mind WW1

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