coolest thing about your old KH?

by Lostreality 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • FreeToBeMe

    As Shera,

    It no longer exists as a KH.... there were never enough 'recruits' in the area I lived to justify the 'investment' of building a purpose-built KH, so they rented a property. Having moved there because the BOrg decided "the need was greater", we discovered as others had done before us, and have done since, that the local population decided otherwise.... their spiritual needs were satisfied elsewhere. Those of us who moved there pre1975 have since moved away and the Community continues much as it did before our arrival, only now without the influx of other BOrg victims prepared to sacrifice homes, careers, savings, et al for a false prophecy, the rent cannot be met and the one-time KH now sells stationery.... I'm reminded of the BOrg's pointing to Churches becoming Bingo Halls as an indication that a lack of people to fill the churches meant the churches weren't preaching truth. Nuff said... at least with the old KH being a Stationers its customer can now get a 'staple diet'.

  • Nosferatu

    The coolest thing about my (first) old KH is that it had one small, barred window. It was quite close to the ceiling, so you couldn't look out of it.

    The coolest thing about my (second) KH is...... uhhh..... the piping on half the chairs there are filled with my used gum.

  • GermanXJW

    The coolest thing about all my old halls was me as long I was in there. :-)

  • Soledad

    my hall had huge bay windows on both sides of the building. the view was pretty nice from one side, the other side was just a view of the drive way. the hall still had a dark gloomy appearance to it though. it was all dark wood paneling and charcoal colored rugs and chairs. nasty. the smells were also awful---doublemint gum with soiled baby diapers. the other cool thing was the water fountain. the water was very icy cold.

  • Magick

    ok...i know i had something interesting to say


    i can't stop looking @ StinkyPantz's avatar...

  • Carmel

    Probably the toilet seat in the temp outhouse we had to use when the plumbing frooze. Other than that: NADA!


  • christopherrobin

    The Exit

  • Magick
    The Exit -christopherrobin


  • seeitallclearlynow

    We had really beautiful murals in pastels in two of our Halls; during the talks at my first Hall, I loved staring at the soft colors and the pretty Asian "sister" in the foreground of the mural depicting the rivers of waters of life; and the other beautiful mural was at the back of another Hall, so I enjoyed the Paradise scene as I got my literature and as I entered and left the Hall.

    We also had a third mural in my last Hall, not a "Bible Paradise" scene as such, but it was painted to look like you would step right into a peaceful forest brook right behind the stage. The colors were not as appealing to me, but it was very realistic.

  • seeitallclearlynow

    Oh yes, and at my very first Kingdom Hall, we had real windows all up and down both sides of the Hall, and they actually had the curtains or blinds - whatever they were - open, and we could look out!!! It was kind of woodsy there, so it was very nice. But they decided that was inappropriate either for security purposes or because of daydreaming, so they were walled up.

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