Did the WTS make an atheist out of you?

by JH 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • Maverick

    JH if you wanted to turn people away from God the WTS formula is an outstanding one to follow!

    I do believe in a Supreme Being, the great artist, who is not a petty, insecure, extortioner. A being who does not hatefully frustrate His intelligent creation. Any being that can make the female form in all its beauty and dynamics has to be one very cool character! Mav

  • SixofNine

    Only God can make an atheist. Remember that.

  • Magick

    well, it's true...if you are a "faithful" jw (completely brainwashed) you give in to the hype about every other religion being wrong.

    when you leave the jws, that brainwashing sticks to you like a piece of toilet paper on your shoe. even if you get the tp off...there's still that lingering residual residue. ewwww

    sixofnine made a great...no, inspired analogy (unlike mine lol) comparing the sims world to ours. (after reading his momentary lapse into genius "Is That What That's For?" i am now a six groupie.)

    (did you notice how i like to put things in parenthesis?) lol

    i was god for a while...n played sims online. i have 2 say i got bored...and have wandered off to find a better way to spend my time (jwd yayy!)

    if god is around...i'm sure he's found something more interesting 2 do.

  • Magick

    i was typin when six was typin...

    ::does her best beavis voice::

    "Eh heh heh, yeah. cool."

  • SixofNine

    Oh my... this is a dilema! I suppose if I don't tell her though, someone else will, lol.

    Magick, please don't stop being my groupie.... pleeeeeeeease *begs, pleads* .... but, Is That's What That's For? was actually written by my daughter. I pretty much articulate in the sparse, efficient manner of Tarzan and Frankenstein (my heros, both in life and in art).

  • frankiespeakin

    No they did'nt make me an atheist,,I'm agnostic. Befor the WT got me I was agnostic,,and after I left I held onto my beleif in the bible for about 2 years,, after making a closer examination of the bible I came to see it as a book of myths concerning jehovah the war god of the jews.

  • Magick

    six...lol no worries...i'm on ya "like white on rice" (adverbial phrase)

    i pretty much articulate in the hit-or-miss manner of Young Frankenstein ...

    "Would you like to have a roll in ze hay?"


  • Carmel

    Post JW agnosticism was the only honest role for me. Took me many years to be able to listen to another paradigm re: the bible and other religious scripture. Could not accept Christian or any other limited exclusivist understanding of scripture. I was ready to declare it all fecal material when I began reading Baha'i text and came away with a much gentler, kinder view.


  • Utopian Reformist
    Utopian Reformist

    I have not posted in quite awhile, however this topic is a past favorite. During my life, I have served as an altar boy, layman, attended catholic school my entire life, and also fallen under the spell of evangelists, pentecostals and of course, the JW's. After intense study, several advanced degrees, and a lot of introspective reflection, I have come to finally accept that material produced by fellow humans in the form of literature does not constitute divine authority, nor does any such product verify the existence of any such authority. Thus, we are presented with many famous and infamous human works supposedly written to answer all of life's inquiries, explain the past, predict the future and rectify the present. As humans, we are all partrially gullable to the notion of divinity, due in part to our own personal fear of death and the unknown. Once we accept that we cannot prevent death, and we cannot predict the final eventuality after death, and we cannot commuicate with anyone who might have such power, we are faced with "acceptance and reconciliation". We must move on, moving forward and making our current life positive, acquiring benefits, sharing resources, and achieving goals. A legacy is a noble thing to strive for and leave behind along with loving memories and a good reputation. I believe all holy books make that assertion as well

  • Morgan

    No. I'm sure the WTS likes it when those who leave do become atheists. Then they can wag thier tongue out saying.....See we told you so.

    Disclaimer: No offence to those who have become atheists. Totally understandable.

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