Well, I got done with my Taichi class. After driving around for a little while, seeing the sights etc.. I decided to head to work early, to get changed then head to the bar for a beer or two before my shift starts.
I filled up on gas, then as I was driving away, I noticed a poor gal (35ish) walking down the sidewalk slowly.. thumbing a lift. Obviously she had been drinking, though not to the point of totally stumbling all over.
I felt so sorry for the woman, I just had to pull over and give her a lift. I found out that she lived over 4 miles away, and in her state it may have taken hours, if she would have made it at all. Anyway, I drove her safely home, and I went back to work and got changed and had my beers as planned.
Some would say this was a stupid decision, some would say it was very noble. I have a feeling most will side with "stupid". But you know, maybe there was a reason I was there, as no-one else showed the least interest in giving the woman a hand.