What would you do?

by FMZ 53 Replies latest jw friends

  • FMZ

    Yup.. that's what I figured too Code... Thanks :)


  • Robdar

    Stupid? Naw. I mean, she was drunk and 35, you are 21, sober and a guy and you know Tai chi....she wasn't a danger, maybe a threat.

    Noble? You bet cha.


  • bikerchic

    Well my sister worked for a restaurant in a nameless large desert town. There had been 3 women in as many months found in the desert dead. She was asked by one of the waiters if she could give him a ride home that evening after their shift. She said ok.

    Well she got a call from home and had to leave work early and totally forgot about the waiter until later that evening. She really felt bad but figured he would have found a ride with someone else.

    The next day when she got to work the staff was all abuzz about one of the waiters getting picked up by the police the night before, handcuffed and hauled off to the pokey. Seems he was the guy who had murdered those other three women.

    It turned out to be the waiter she was going to give a ride to. She felt really lucky that Jehovah was looking out for her that night.

    I'm glad she didn't give him a ride!


  • Robdar
    She felt really lucky that Jehovah was looking out for her that night.

    Seems to me that Somebody was looking out for her that night. Could have been Jehovah.



  • shotgun


    Although your such a big intimadating figure I don't think anyone would mess with you.

    Here is the kicker...you stop and pick her up and as you take off a set of lights go on behind you..it's the cops.

    She turns out to be a hooker who is legitimately sick but the cops will have no part of this explanation, your charged and you have to call your wife to get you out of Jail...hmmm. Will she believe you....damn....what a predicament.

    Maybe you could discern that she was clearly not a hooker and indeed just needed a lift, even if she was not a hooker and someone you knew seen you stop and pick up a woman who was walking, there would be a lot of explaining to do Lucy if the wife got wind of it before you told her...maybe this is just my past JW paranoina.

    I had a boss who picked up a woman when it was a floodlike downpour, he asked where she was going and she said no where in particular...first clue

    He said... do you have someplace you need to go....she said..I'm working..second clue

    Working in the rain on a street corner...ding ding

    He dropped her off pronto at a coffee shop...the point is..if he had been picked up by the cops his life could have been altered forever for being a good Samaritan.

    Damn it's hard to make snap judgements.

  • gumby

    Theres one good thing about pickin up on homeless women..........you can drop them off anywhere

    (It doesn't apply here, but I had to throw it in anyway)


  • SixofNine

    Maybe there was a reason you were there? You just listed all the reasons you were there, lol. A drunk woman doesn't sound particularly dangerous (it's not like it was NPY, lol), but it was good of you to take the time.

  • FMZ

    Biker, certainly does sound like someone was looking out for your sister... Glad it turned out OK. Robdar could be right.

    Shotgun, that also went through my mind... When I first pulled up, I checked for any signs of "hookerism", and saw nothing... but I agree, it would be quite a danger. Then again, my wife knows what I'm like. Still... yeah.

    Gumby, is that why you like so much? Just find the nearest patch of grass when you are done? lol

    Sixy, yup... makes you wonder, doesn't it?


  • shotgun

    FMZ...you spent so little time with Gumby you didn't realize he always goes after the sheep while they're in the pen..or room 222.

    So you were crusin the streets lookin for hookerism...You could always carry an WT in the car and offer it first to people to see the reaction...if they say F off they must be OK.

  • StinkyPantz

    I'm leaning towards "stupid".. Sorry FMZ, I feel bad for saying that.. but you asked .

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