JWs are told to ALWAYS be on the watch. Always be ready. Be alert in the "time of the end". Looking back, were you ever on the watch, in reality?
Were You Ever Really "On The Watch"?
by minimus 24 Replies latest jw friends
I used to watch the news and keep up to dates with current affairs so I could try figure who the "king of the North/South" really were, so I would know when the great tribulation would start. Then I'd make the choice either getting baptised or leaving and missing the torturing and other crap thats meant to happen then, easier to just get killed at armagedon.
For some odd and paranoid reason (I guess because it was the only thing that stuck out in my mind after hearing it and it sounded so gruesome) I always got panicky when I saw alot of birds. No not from seeing the movie and getting panicky but because it was alway said that after Armageddon the birds of the heavens would eat all the deceased bodies. I always got a little freaked when I saw a large amount of birds within a close time frame because I was thinking OH OH they getting gathered together to eat the dead people....That's all I was on the watch for...
I wasn't. Looking back, I really wasn't.
I couldn't help wincing whenever a politician mentioned the words "peace" and "security" in the same breath.
Doubtfully Yours
Sure! During the early to late 80s. I was really prepared to survive if God would've decided to end it all.
I wasn't. Looking back, I really wasn't.
Me either....never thought about it much.
Yeah but I was a regular pioneer and an elder afterward.
not really, no.
but i remember the song. let's watch how we walk and watch how we talk.
Sure was!
Always followed the news, (still do but its different now), Like nevergotwet I jumped when anyone used the words Peace & Security, or a new world order, I was just waiting for the King of the North to invade the "Land of Decoration..... Such things flowed in and out our home conversation as easily as talking about dinner.