ahhhhh bless . was you ever told this from the platform? i know i heard it and had to laugh. yes, satan wants us to have an easy time, less stress, more parties, he knows what you really like . however, jehovah through 'his loving organisation' wants you to work more, study WT literature more, be more active in the field ministry etc etc. it maybe more stressful and tiring, but its good for you in the long run, if you want to be in the 'new system'.
Satan wants you to have an easy life
by Pleasuredome 31 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
So that's why I'm always making things harder for myself. That explains a lot. I think those kinds of messages in childhood really stick.
Will then that proves there is no devil , my life has been crap since i was born.
Yeah PD,
I've heard them say that if an apostate says they're happy, its only because Satan is making them happy and keeping them out of the truth!
If an apostate is sad, then its because Jehovah's blessing is removed
They have an answer for everything!
sirona, yes true.
an elder once told me that satan can make you rich in order to tempt you.
an elder once told me that satan can make you rich in order to tempt you
LOL I wish I could be made rich - dabbling in the occult didn't even work for me LOL
Tempt me , tempt me, i will take it in 50s and 100s
Amen Sister!!!
I've heard them say that if an apostate says they're happy, its only because Satan is making them happy and keeping them out of the truth!
If an apostate is sad, then its because Jehovah's blessing is removed
Jeez - You're right -- we can't win!!
There's a nearby church that has Jesus' words engraved in brick. I think of the Watchtower's demands everytime I see
"Become my disciples, for my load is easy and my yoke is light"
Poor Witnesses! They can't make up their minds! Are we 'apostates' cursed or blessed?
More than that, are THEY cursed or blessed?