i just had my meeting with the ELDERS !!!!

by jurs 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • jurs

    hey everyone ,
    i'm high as a kite. it went awesome !!!! i prayed so hard last night as well as today.
    i was getting cold feet but i read 2Tim 1:7 and felt confident. i wanted to show them that the JW's are like the pharisees. they donot follow in Christ's footsteps. i wanted to concntrate on shunning.
    by the way if you go to the website about JW and shunning from Beacon you will know exactly what we went over . i followed the scriptures as well as explained my research on the jewish as well as early christian traditions . practically word for word. i wrote what i got from the web in my note book so they wouldn't think it was from an apostate web site.... HEE HEE HEE
    BEFORE we went over shunning i held up my crisis of conscience book and i told them thati knew they wouldn't go over apostate literature. but that i just wanted to say one thing about the this book. i told them that it was solid. it devastates the org. after reading just part one recognizes its not the true religion, the truth... i told them its solide has photocopies, names, dates, and where the information is so u can check it out for yourself. i could see why the org forbids members to read it. its too solid to dismiss..
    they said they would not look at any info in it. I said GOOD because the information in that book affected my brain but i wanted to go over SCRIPTURES because that what affected my HEART. they said fine. i then went over the BEACON (apostate info) on shunning. it was AWESOME. the one elder Jay got so shook up. he tried to take back control of the meeting but he was out of contol.
    you guys, i have never been quick fingered finding scripture , but tonight i was like LIGHTNING......it was holy spirit.... ok u agnostics i know your rolling your eyes but i believe it !!!!
    the elder said he was going to go !!! there was no sense talking anymore he had tried to defend the faith but i've made up my mind and he will not argue.
    our eyes are locked on each other... so i ask him "SO Jay, did were u able to defend your Faith ?? because we both know u didn't , you couldn't because i had holy spirit and u didnot... i told him i was fine with the meeting ending where it was because it was clear this was NOT Jehovah's true religion .
    he was shaking, the other elder Dana, by the way, has only been an elder 4 months. he didn't have alot to say. he was trying to calm us BOTH down !!!
    Jay said i didn't give him a chance to use scripture that i was doing all the talking. but if i gave him a chance he would stay. i said sure. he then tried to prove that JW is God's organization and Jehovah has always had an organization. we spent about 5 minutes on it because i argued a point and he said he was going to go again.
    i asked if we could share 1 last scripture before he goes. out of concern for them both. Math 18: 15-17. i told him that is how you should treat DF"d ones . i accused him as well as the organization as being like the Pharisees.
    he got VERY ANGRY and said he was tenderhearted and i hurt his feelings. i told him Jesus maybe hurt the Pharisees feelings when he exposed them but it had to be done. nand shunning is very unloving and a practice that hurts many peoples feelings. i told them i forgive him because i know he'll shun me, but i will pray for you to Jah saying Father forgive them for they no not what they are doing..... they quickly left. Dana the other elder told me that from him personally he hopes i come back and he'll accept me with open arms. i told him he was a ggod guy and i wont ever shun him and if he ever learns its a cult to call me. that it helps talking to someone who understands... Dana was actually pretty cool about the whole thing.......this was the jist of the conversation.. i didn't turn them away but boy was i able to give a witness!!!!

  • AGuest

    PRAISE JAH! Let every living thing... let every living BREATHING thing... let it praise JAH! Praise JAH, you people!

    (Sorry, folks, but I felt like... what was it DannyBear once said... cavorting!)

    You GO, jurs! May JAH bless! May the undeserved kindness and mercy of my God and Father, JAH OF ARMIES, and the peace of His Christ, my Lord, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH, be upon you to time INDEFINITE... you AND your entire household! To time indefinite!

    I am your sister and servant, as I am servant to ALL those of the 'House' of my Father, Israel... and fellow slave of Christ... by means of the promised holy spirit,


  • Farkel


    Good stuff! I admire your courage in standing up to Elders who are used to making all the rules and asking all the questions! If there were more like you, the WTS would quickly reform! Great work!

    They will probably still fuck you up, BTW. That's the bad news. Too many of them don't care about "truth", they just care about defending what they call the "Truth."

    The difference between the two truths I just mentioned is subtle, but the one that carries the LIE is the one that starts with a capital letter.

    Beware of any "truth" that starts with a capital letter. It becomes deified at that point and hence becomes very dangerous to your health and your life.


  • Scorpion

    Good for you jurs. Be prepared, it is not over yet. You may even be receiving one of those certified letters from the WTBTS.

  • noidea

    Glad to see in tact.
    I have thought about you tonight, You said in a post earlier that you had a meeting.
    You shouldn't have to even defend yourself.
    You should be proud of yourself. You are not an apostate for turning away from an org. Only if you turn away from Jehovah. So hold your head up high and keep your real faith.

  • TR

    Very, Very cool, jurs!

    Sounds like the last talk I had with the elders. I unloaded every barrel I had on them about WTS shenanigans. Not ONCE did they open their bibles. They didn't even BEGIN to try to refute what I was telling them. They were DUMBstruck. Maybe I had some o' the spirit that day, too.

    Good LUCK to you!


    "I have sworn upon the altar of God, eternal hostility against every
    form of tyranny over the mind of man." --Thomas Jefferson*

  • Simon

    Well done jurs! Glad it went well for you

  • Gopher


    Way to go! You pulled it off!

    You really focused on the main thing, the "shunning" arrangement. Now they'll be forced to uphold it. But you're free, not forced to uphold any stupid manmade law! They may be jealous of your freedom.

    Thanks for posting this.

    GopherNever bolt your door with a boiled carrot.
    Irish Proverb

  • d0rkyd00d

    Jurs, good job! Do you realize what you have just done?!? You have triggered a cataclysmic event, one which the world will not recover from. This event will wipe out every star in the universe, and every living thing off the planet. no mortal being can stop it, and no immortal being would try. ok, i'm sorry about that....

    "No cool quote yet. but i'll think of one soon."

  • logical

    My final meeting with the elders went very similar. The main Elder wouldnt listen to what I had to say, and kept going over one point. They left when they realised they had lost me.

    Im glad they lost you. Well done.

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