i just had my meeting with the ELDERS !!!!

by jurs 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • safe4kids


    You ROCK woman!!! I'm so glad that you did what you needed to do in talking with the elders. I agree with what everyone else has said, that there may still be rough times ahead, but what is really important is that you were true to yourself! And that you are out of that dysfunctional organization. AND that you possibly were able to reach that other elder....there's something about him that spoke to me, right from the first mention of his name...can't quite put my finger on it.....


    "A single event can awaken within us a stranger totally unknown to us. To live is to be slowly born."
    Antoine de Saint-Exupery

  • chester


    You go girl!!!

    You have a lot of spunk. It sounds like you were able to accomplish what you wanted. Thanks for letting us know how it went.

    I wish nothing but the best for you and your family.


  • DannyBear


    Wonderful. I could literaly see them squirming in their chairs. Poor Jay, tenderhearted as well. lol. They can't stand it when someone plays by their rules....'what your going to use the bible'?...hey thats our trick. You stole their thunder jurs. There really is a God. You were calm, they were ready to walk out...just to good!

    Then the little caviat, telling them that you will never shun them!

    Oh boy..those boys all went home depressed, suppose they doubled up on the night caps? I remember a few hangover's from my spiritual cop days.

    Good one.


    Ps AGuest, I see you 'cavorting'...he he Shel you are to funny. Remind me to be careful of what I say to you, you have recall!

  • Thirdson



    You never know what real good you have done. While things may be hard, the shunning etc, another brick was chipped out of the 'tower. The elders will think twice about a visit to anyone else DA'ing, if they think thrice they might wake up to the real truth.

    Great job, glad things went so well.


    'To avoid criticism, say nothing, do nothing, be nothing'

  • ZazuWitts


    Sometimes a post 'helps' make my day...
    Thank you!

  • D wiltshire
    D wiltshire


    I glad you were able to meet such a chalenge. May Jehovah bless you. When you speak to them, they may not seem that they are getting point that you are making.
    But don't get discouraged. I was an elder who sat on meetings like yours, and fought for the Org. It took about ten years for these things to bounce around in my head until I finaly got it. Thanks to brave people like you.
    So you may see some good come of it soon or it may take years, but you did the right thing.

    God bless you

  • teejay


    is this the link?


    Great story. Good to see you beat them to the punch. Keep us posted.


  • teejay

    [double post]

  • jurs

    hi Teejay,
    thats the one !!! i read it over and over to where i had it almost memorized. i took a few brief notes on notebook paper so they wouldn't know it came from apostate literature. i followed the outline and scriptures. i'm grateful to whomever did the research on that subject and made it available. when i read the shunning info. it grabbed at my heart and i knew they couldn't use scripture to fight it. jurs

  • Faithful_58

    Hi there Jurs,
    I just joined this forum and wanted to let you know that your post has helped me tremendously. I left the congrgation 8 months ago and the elders haven't called me yet. I live in a very small town and run into all of them quite often.
    I have had several talks with them already while I was still at the meetings and contrdicted some of their teachings and proved everything that I was saying came right out of their own bible. I think that they might be a little scared, because they never bother to call on me. But that's O.K.
    I will use your info if they ever do, and thanks for the site you mentioned about shunning, I'll be sure to check it out...


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