New KingDumb Song 139 released today.

by cappytan 28 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cappytan

    This is the fourth KingDumb song released since the Annual Meeting. Three were released back in October. This one was released this week.

    Here's the link to the recording:

    Lyrics below: 

    1. What a joy to teach Jehovah’s sheep

      And to see how they have grown.

      We have seen how he has guided them

      As they’ve made the truth their own.


      Jehovah, may you hear our prayer

      And keep them in your watchful care.

      In Jesus’ name, for them we plead: May they succeed;

      May ev’ry one of them stand firm.

    2. Ev’ry day we said a prayer for them,

      As their faith was under test.

      We made time to teach and care for them;

      They’ve grown strong, and they’ve been blessed.


      Jehovah, may you hear our prayer

      And keep them in your watchful care.

      In Jesus’ name, for them we plead: May they succeed;

      May ev’ry one of them stand firm.

    3. May they all maintain their confidence,

      Trust in God and in his Son.

      Through endurance and obedience,

      May their race for life be won.


      Jehovah, may you hear our prayer

      And keep them in your watchful care.

      In Jesus’ name, for them we plead: May they succeed;

      May ev’ry one of them stand firm.

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    Yay! So glad i dont go to meetings and dont have to listen to or sing that crap.

    bet you wish you had quit too eh? :p

  • cappytan
    bet you wish you had quit too eh? 

    I'm working on it!

  • freein2004

    Oh Happy Happy Joy!

  • cappytan
    Oh Happy Happy Joy!


    From: The Governing Body

    To: The Music Director

    RE: Lack of joy in the congregations.

    MESSAGE: Please write more songs about joy and happiness. If the congregations sing enough about happiness and joy, then they will think they are happy and joyful and that will solve all our issues.

    Please be assured of our warm Christian love.

    Your Brothers (Christ's brothers too!),

    The Governing Body

  • freemindfade
    PS remind them they are sheep and must not think and be obedient. 
  • stuckinarut2

    How condescending those words are!

    It is like we get to hear the GB (our mediators to god) talk directly to Him about "us" lowly sheep!

    The hide of them!!

    This really makes me boil! 

  • suavojr
    What a joy to teach Jehovah’s sheep
    And to see how they have grown.
    We have seen how he has guided them
    As they’ve made the truth their own.


    WTF, now the GB are singing for us?  

  • Simon

    What is it with the "ev’ry" instead of "every"?

    It's like when people save a character by shortening "June" to "Jun" ... except they still use a character so it isn't.

    Every and ev'ry are sung pretty much the same ... do they really need to do that?

  • stuckinarut2

    hehe need to sing it with an American accent...


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