My Governer is gay

by RR 83 Replies latest social current

  • Yizuman


    Probably because most folks have never heard of either.

    WTF are you talking about?

    We still luv ya, even if you do occasionally talk nonesense.

    But Happy Birthday, anyhow. Big milestone - life begins at 40, they say...

    Well, I'm not surprised. Clinton had Nambla as part of the Clinton Administration at the request of Janet Reno. Until Christians all across America found out about it and made alot of noise. Nail biting Clintion then had to drop Nambla like a hot potato. Reno got all pissed off and that was the end of it.

    While sick Nambla is, they're still lobbying Congress to get relationships with little boys legalized. Nambla has a motto "Sex before 8 or it's too late".

    Nabmla leaders have appeared on talk shows back in the 1990s after Clinton was elected, my best memory of seeing one talk show was on Geraldo Rivera. I believe Nambla also appeared on Opra, but I cannot be sure. Quite naturally, all of the leaders of Nambla was boo'ed on the talk shows.

    By the way, thanks for the b-day mention


  • LittleToe

    Yiz:I find it difficult (nay, impossible) to believe that this has much support from the gay community.

    By the way, thanks for the b-day mention

    A pleasure.
    Be sure and make it a good one - milestones should be memorable
    HIt a park or something, instead of staying on the computer all day

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Yiz, NAMBLA has nothing to do with the gay community. That organization is not made up of homosexuals, but pedophiles. There is a huge difference. If you cannot distinguish the two, please refrain from commenting. It is inappropriate to introduce pedophilia into this discussion. If you want to stay in this discussion do not refer to gay people as "homos", that is an offensive term.

    It has been said many times on similar threads that the vast majority of child abuse cases are committed by heterosexuals.

    NAMBLA has tried to attach itself to the fringes of gay society but has been rejected at every turn, and rightly so.

  • jwbot

    Adult/Child relationships are NOT consensual. There is a huge difference between that and being gay, those relationships are CONSENSUAL. If you do not see the difference, you are an idiot.

    And what gays do you know? Probably none, because I am a member of LBGT and we want NOTHING to do with NAMBLA because they want to legalize non-consenting relationships...they might as well be trying to legalize rape because that is essentially what they are trying to do. Gays/Bi's/Lesbians, we just want our consensual, loving relationships recognized and we want equal rights.

    Yiz you have no idea what you are talking about.

    Howabout when NAMBLA wanted to join the gay price parade? Do you know why? Because the gay rights movement is legitamate and they want to allign themselves with a legitimate movement but you know what? They are not allowed to and no gay person wants to be associated with them because pedophiles are evil. Why is there so much hatred towards gays? What did they ever do to you?

  • Yizuman

    Then explain to me why the gay community never spoke against Nambla? I don't see them go on the airwaves saying Nambla is a sick organization, blah blah blah. Note Nambla is pushing for a Man/boy relationship, not a man/girl relationship. At least I don't hear it from a major gay organization anywhere.


  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    I'll say again: homosexuality has nothing to do with pedophilia. A homosexual is one who is attracted to another of the same gender. A pedophile is one who is attracted to children. I cannot put it more simply than that. If you choose not to recognize the difference then I submit that says more about your state of mind than reality.

    NAMBLA has as much in common with gay people as the Ku Klux Klan does with people of color.

  • jwbot

    Yiz, perhaps because you are listening to too muc Rush Limbah? I personally do not hear much on the media about gays and the gay movement, and when I do it has nothing to do with NAMBLA (Why would they bring it out? Only an idiot sees them as being the same?) And the only time I did hear a NAMBLA/Gay connection, the gay community was denouncing NAMBLA because NABMLA wanted in on their parade and of COURSE the gay community wants nothing to do with that.

    And here is some information for you. Read, get aware.

    It should also be mentioned that many groups continue to attribute other behaviors to homosexuals. One such group is RSVPAmerica which argued that homosexuals are actively recruiting children and engage in pedophilia. Another group, NAMBLA (North American Man/Boy Love Association), jumped on the civil-rights bandwagon when people became more and more active regarding allowing homosexual marriages. With this group lumped into the situation, it was assumed that those in NAMBLA were homosexual as well, and therefore all homosexuals are proponents of and engaged in man/boy love. This is not the case, and this is where many began to believe that homosexuals were trying to ?involve persons who have not reached the age of consent? in sexual acts. Also feared is that once homosexuality is accepted as a societal norm, it would encourage pedophiles to push forward with their agenda. Once homosexuality is accepted?as it really doesn?t harm society?it will lead to the acceptance of other sexual deviant behavior, such as incest and pedophilia: which is quite a slippery slope.

    Yiz, do you think that a pedophine and a gay person are the same thing? Do you see the difference between an adult/child relationship and a homosexual one? Do you see the difference between a male adult/female child (the biggest percentage of pedophile cases) and an adult hederosexual relationship?

  • ellderwho

    Yeah my governer is gay too!

    Maybe there's more to the story. Maybe more will come out later. Maybe he's being blackmailed. Maybe . . .

    IMHO He's done alot for NJ. Although a "tree hugger" he should've open public land usage. Poor governer, What about his wife. Nothing about her.


  • Yizuman

    Yiz, perhaps because you are listening to too muc Rush Limbah?

    I sure wish I could listen to him. :( As you may forget that I am deaf, so it's useless for radios. I'd be lucky to find transcripts of his radio show, which is rare to find.

    I personally do not hear much on the media about gays and the gay movement, and when I do it has nothing to do with NAMBLA (Why would they bring it out? Only an idiot sees them as being the same?) And the only time I did hear a NAMBLA/Gay connection, the gay community was denouncing NAMBLA because NABMLA wanted in on their parade and of COURSE the gay community wants nothing to do with that.

    Ok that's the only story? When I asked the gays about Nambla, most of them just avoid the subject, but none I've communicated with ever condemned Nambla's action nor have I seen any gays protesting Nambla in any shape or form. If the gay community is very serious about slamming Nambla, they could have done that a long time ago, but they're not doing that, so why are most of the gay community silent on this issue? It would have given the gay community some favorable public relations, especially with the media that's been pushing the gay agenda for a good while now.


  • StinkyPantz
    why are most of the gay community silent on this issue?

    Since when does 'being silent' equate to acceptance? I haven't spoken out against a lot of stuff that I do not accept.

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