Did you every hear anyone say something really dodgy from the platform when giving a talk? I heard a couple of stories of people getting really enthusiastic when giving a talk or pray accidently swearing. One time in my book study group a sister called someone a dickhead in her answer, it was very hard not to laught.
Swearing on the platform
by sleepy 22 Replies latest jw friends
Personally I never have.
But it was one of my greatest fears. Me doing it, that is.
Actually, now that I think about it.
I once heard the C.O. say Shit and he recovered really fast. Kind of said shoot instead.
It was during a meeting for field service that he said it. -
I have not heard elders swear in unofficial settings...well, I did drive one to swear during an unannounced "encouraging" visit.
As George Carlin once said, "Shoot is shit with two O's!" Mav
I remember when I was a little kid I was helping my elder dad work on something in the garage, when all of the sudden he let loose a string of swearing out of frustation from something not working the way he wanted.
lol... I remember not knowing what to think of it! All I knew was that cussing was supposed to be very very BAD.
El blanko
I suppose this counts.
A brother once boldly walked across the entrance hall, leading into the main arena for a district convention. He then slipped on the tiles and lost his footing.
As he did so, he let out an almighty, "JESUS CHRIST" and then proceeded to fall on his backside
As you can imagine, there was quite a hush.
... and another (slightly off topic).
A black brother (Jamaican origin) was closing a meeting with a prayer; mumbling through a story about "Jaaarhoovass" wonders in creation and how we should all be grateful and then he came to the usual closing, and forgot himself for a moment.
He must have forgotten the name Jesus Christ and instead said, " ... we send dis thanx in de kneem off dee bloke on dee cross" - hehe (said in a broad JA accent!).
When I was a JW, I heard many stories, but only witnessed one that I can recall.
We had a long time elder, I would say 40 years a JW. He was giving a public talk that dealt with conduct, etc. He go off on talking about swearing. He took an excursion on the many uses of the word "hell." It was very funny, and had the audience in stitches. He could get by with this kind of talk back in the 1970s. However, the anal-retentive policies of today would never permit such humor. - Jim W.
I remember when I was being studied with as a child. There were two brothers, and one was saying the ending prayer. He used the word "crap" in the prayer, and got counsilled right after the prayer was over.
i once gave a comment about eating blood at a book study or something. i remember reading something about a bunch of chicken farms that because of cost, just strangle the chickens and thus, never properly bleed the meat...
believe it or not, i finished my comment by saying that we should do some research on our chicken before buying, maybe even writing letters to the companies asking if they choke their chickens. (my exact words)
i didn't realize until later how truly awesome my comment was.
oh, here's another...
this wasn't on the platform (it was on a platform, but not in the hall) but my dad was the PO at the time (i think...he may have just been an elder). he was a folk singer/guitar player so he would play at little coffee houses and stuff from time to time. of course, the audience was made up almost entirely of witnesses pretty much every time. on one occasion he broke a string and said, "OH!! i broke my G string!" He then proceeded to explain that to properly change a G string you have to wrap it around the ball real tight and then really jam it in the hole so it will stay tight.
me and my friends were rolling...