Men are usually cordial and are willing to accept when they have lost in the game of love.
I have found this to be true for the most part. There are some exceptions though.
Does it apply 'only' to men?
Golf, it can apply to sales (currently I am in sales and it's been interesting) but not to the extent of the pure meaness I have seen women express towards other women that they think may be prettier than they and could attract the man that they are after. It's weird and I've been watching the interaction for years.
I think women too ... but only because men don't give us a damn chance ... So we have to take it (it just give us more strenght)
FBF, I have seen men try to play women against each other. I guess that they like a good cat fight. I had a boyfriend many years ago who went to great lengths to pit me and his ex against each other. For a few months we bought it. Then one day, we discussed the situation and found out what had really been going on--seems he had been lying to both of us trying to turn us against each other. When we found out what the deal was, WE turned on HIM. He regretted it, believe me. She and I are still friends. He is long gone.
I learned a valuable lesson: Men are not worth fighting over. If a man wants to be with you, he will. If he doesn't, no amount of hostility towards the other female is going to make him stay.
I should learn to read the whole post before I touch the keyboard! I agree with Robdar. Mav
Mav, I wish that I had seen your first post. Feel free to express yourself.
One time when I was in high school I saw two girls go at each other over a guy. The one girl had the other girl by the hair and was banging her head on the sidewalk. It scared the living shit out of me!
LOL Dan. Gives a whole new meaning to the phrase "watching the fur fly", doesn't it?