Who's More Competitive?

by Robdar 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • Robdar

    Terry, I agree.

    The point that I think that you missed in my thread--and maybe I didn't make it clear is, IMO, a female is more aggressive and competitive in her pursuit for love than a man is. There seems to be more fair play among the men than there is among the fairer sex. Of course, there will be exceptions.

    I also think that this could be because of society's influence other than genetics.


  • maxwell

    Well I've asked my wife a few times why not just share. Surprisingly enough, she didnt' seem to like that idea. Well ok, it was't really surprising.

  • Robdar
    Well I've asked my wife a few times why not just share. Surprisingly enough, she didnt' seem to like that idea. Well ok, it was't really surprising.

    Hehehe, Maxwell, not surprising. Hey, have you tried telling her that that she is unenlightened in her thinking? Brought into the discussion how men are meant to spread their seed and it's scientifically impossible for a man to be tied down? Then get all Neanderthal on her. Women love that! Robyn *who is just kidding*

  • Mecurious?

    There seems to be more fair play among the men than there is among the fairer sex.

    I agree. Just look at shows like Elimidate and 5th wheel. Elimidate is the worse I've seen, the women are very quick to demean each other they sometimes even fight over the guy. The guy at the center of it all usually ends up picking the most agrresive women out of the five. Almost always the first to get elimidated is the female thats most reserved.

    I think most guys like sexually agressive women. (at least for a little while).


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