The only real definition of apostate I ever had was from being raised a witness. So, I have this idea that it is an evil, wicked thing. Because of that I dont like to call myself an apostate. But, I was thinking maybe there is a "real" definition out there, that I dont know of. Could anyone of any religion become an apostate, what does it really mean? Do you refer to yourself or think of yourself as an apostate?
Why do some here refer to themselves as "Apostates"?
by Netty 27 Replies latest jw friends
I think of it the same way some black folk refer to themselves using the N-word. It's self-deprecating and a bit in-your-face. I must admit, in the early "out" days, the term bothered me. I suppose I should be a bit more sensitive about the term, but I like it.
I'm reminded of that show Dinosaurs with the people in these dinosaur suits. There was a baby that would hit the dad with a frying pan saying "Not the mama!" Well, in a way the apostate thing is sort of like saying "Not the JW!" Sort of this idea of the anti-JW I suppose, although I think a lot of people who call themselves apostate really don't take it all that seriously, that is there's more going on for them in life than being the opposite of a JW. It's just sort of a joke to use the name JWs gave them.
Like glenmore. I have grown to be proud of being dfd for apostacy.
Ya, it's a joke too. My name here is sort of for the same reasons.
It used to bother me too Netty! Because of the JW connotation. But here's the definition according to the Oxford American Dictionary:
:a person who renounces a former belief, adherence, etc.
So I'm fine with that!
There are those called "secret disciples". I am a "secret apostate".
The thing about this is, if your a active dub and you didn't grow up in the "truth."
Then you're an apostate from another religion. -
In the early days when America was still a British Colony the lower class American born commoners had the cheese they liked, it was called John-cheese. The peasants smelled of this cheese and the Royals would refer to them in a derogatory way by this smelly cheese. It came to also mean freebooters, or pirates. At the time of the revolution the Loyalists, (over 30% of the population) felt those who supported the rebels were pirates and called them Yankees, (John-cheese). The Rebels said, "Fine we are Yankees and proud of it!" Thus the song, Yankee doodle dandy!
The Evil empire says we are Apostates! Fine and dandy apostates we are too! Maverick
I refer to myself as a "POZTATE" as a way to laugh at them and their weird beliefs. I don't take them seriously and I don't fear any labels that they try to put on people as a way to control them. A real apostate is someone who has found out the truth about the truth.