The Sept. 1 Watchtower has a question from readers concerning the 144,000. It asks how we know if the number 144,000
is a literal number. It then quotes from a scholar, Robert Thomas, who wrote an exegetical commentary on Revelation.
He says that , in Revelation 7, the contrast of a definite number ( 144,000) with an indefinite number ( the "great crowd")
proves that the 144,000 is a literal number.
However, WHAT THEY DON'T TELL YOU is that this scholar plainly applies the SAME REASONING TO THE IDENTITY
OF THE 144,000 !!!! The 144, 000 are clearly a literal group of Israelites BECAUSE OF THE CONTRAST WITH AN
INTERNATIONAL GROUP that follows - namely the Great Crowd. He says:
"This identification of the group best accounts for the distinction between them and the innumerable multitude in the next
vision who come from all ethnic backgrounds"
Concerning the idea that the 144, 000 are somehow a "spiritual" nation of "Israel", he says:
"Such an attempt becomes even more ridiculous because it necessitates typological interpretation that divides the
church into twelve tribes to coincide with the listing of Rev. 7:5-8, even with all the irregularities in that list....
The approach is so misconceived that it does serious violence to the context. It cannot be exegetically sustained."
All of the above is from the same commentary that the Society is quoting.
NOW, do you see why they generally avoid telling you exactly what secular sources they are quoting from in the
magazines?` They don't want people looking this stuff up and refuting their propaganda.