An elder that lives in the same area as my work came by and noticed I was waiting on customers. He left and waited for them to leave. Then he came back in. I stared directly at him and asked, "How are you doing??" He said "Fine". I asked how his family was and got the same answer. Then he asked about my family and I volunteered that my daughter was getting married next month. He asked where her fiance' was from and I told him. He asked where the wedding was being held. I told him and he raised his eyes I'm sure because of the fact it wasn't in a Kingdom Hall and it is in a very expensive well known hotel. He said, "Is he in the truth?" I said, "He's not a Witness and I like him very much!". He said, "Oh, that's too bad" (he's not a Witness). Then he asked, "Are you still active"? My answer: "I'd rather not discuss that with you." He was stunned. I just kept looking at him into his eyes. He said, "I'm surprised that you're reacting like that. I didn't mean to upset you." I said, "You didn't upset me at all. I am just not going to talk about these things to you". Then he tried to rebound by saying,"Do you remember how we used to go out in service 40 years ago?" I said, "Yes." Then I made him feel awkward by just staring at him and telling him that I've had quite a busy day today with salesmen, the IRS and my accountants. He said, "Then I don't want to add any other pressure to you today". I thanked him for stopping by and I asked him to say hello to his family for me. He left red-faced.......Oh well.
Local Elder Comes By My Work & He Left Looking Discouraged!
by minimus 51 Replies latest jw friends
Interesting how he stated his intent before leaving:
He said, "Then I don't want to add any other pressure to you today".
If he shows up again, it might be a good idea to remind him that you are at work, at a place of business, and are being paid by your employer to work, not discuss personal and/or religious issues.
Love, Scully
Oh that's to bad he is not a witness, why so her life won't be filled with pain. You know all JWS are to feel persecuted and her not marrying a brother she will have to live just a normal ordinary life.
In case you're wondering why this elder came around, it's probably because yesteday's Botchtower study was on preaching and on how "sadly, some of our brothers and sisters have become inactive, blah, blah, blah........and how as elders we should reach out to these ones
cause our numbers are really shitty and we want to look good when the Circuit Overseer comes. -
Funny......we got a call on our machine last night from a dear sweet sister that wanted to let us know we are sorely missed. BTW, I own the place, Scully, so I can't blame the boss.
I hate it when they catch you by surprise like this. seems we always try and think and prepare what we might say if we saw a witness/elder/whatever. But, when the time comes, the mind goes completely blank. SO, I think you did pretty well Min, good for you, and the staring him down, great! They think they are superior and try to intimidate, so when you did this, you let him know, he wouldnt be able to intimdate you. THey always try to refer to "remember this or that" like we are supposed to have fond memories and that will make us want to come back. Did it actually stir up a fond memory for you? Just wondering. I think you did good. Congratulations on your daughter getting married.
Netty -
Gawd... you can always see in their eyes the heavy weight the WTS puts on them.
Yeah, I fondly remember how he was a dope then and is still now. I even commented to him that he hasn't changed a bit!
johnny cip
mini; nice work how you stared him down . and wouldn't let him get the upper hand. just telling him about your daughters wedding had to burn him just lovely how you make him feel like a clod, and you came out smelling like a as for the pressure he want to put on you, i think they may be ready to move against you? if they came back with that pressure line again. i would tell him you want pressure i have a vise in the back room , it will be my pleasure to put your head in it. but that's me. keep them guessing . john
These type visits boil down to partly two things; 1. they care, but don't know what to do and 2. their trying to ease their own guilt for not coming to their brother's aid.
In their minds(not hearts) they think they are doing the right thing, but they usually fail and have to justify to themselves that at least they tried. Now they can feel less guilty that they have failed to try to help a lost "brother".
If he, and all JWs, weren't so cold-hearted, a common ground could be found and shared. Not that that will ever happen. The WTS keeps the fear of opposers and "weak" ones strong in their followers. Instead of feeling love for people as the Bible says Jesus taught, the WTS instills fear and loathing.
I bet a small part of him really cared about you and wanted to do something, anything. That was coming from his heart. Unfortunately, the WTS has poisoned his brain to override his heart and that thinking took over and botched the whole visit.