Local Elder Comes By My Work & He Left Looking Discouraged!

by minimus 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • unbeliever
    These type visits boil down to partly two things; 1. they care, but don't know what to do and 2. their trying to ease their own guilt for not coming to their brother's aid.

    Or they are trying to nail your ass. If more than 1 dub approched me in a 24 hour period I would be highly suspicious.

  • Elsewhere

    Amazing... their entire lifes are nothing but going around trying to find another member for the organization.

    They don't have any real friends... just partners with the same goal of finding more people to join.

    This is all they do.

    This is all they plan for.

    This is all they can understand.

    This is why they never invite non-JWs over just to hang out like buddies or old friends... they only know how to associate with other people with the same goal of finding new members.

    Such a sad and burdened life.

  • minimus

    The call and visit was because the Watchtower made them feel guilty!

  • Scully


    Thanks for the warning. Whenever a JW visits me, I think I'll ask them if they needed to read it in the Watchtower first to come and visit me, or if the CO is in town, in order to tell me that they "miss" me.

    Love, Scully

  • blondie

    We had a "nice" drop by visit by a brother who was never our buddy. Time to check up on us I guess. He got to stay out on the stoop and hubbie gave him 90 seconds then shut the door.

    We did get the latest rags...er...mags.

    I bet he counts his time. We live outside the territory so he just didn't happen to be in the area.

    Seeing him reminds us of why we left.


  • minimus

    Blondie, I betcha he wasn't as ugly as the elder that visited me!

  • The Thinker
    The Thinker

    Some of them do really beleive that the WTS is the truth and they are doing the right thing. They see those who have left has someone who will die at Armogedon. The problem is that if one of us tries to explain to them why we left or why we don't beleive its the truth they switch off, so untill something happens to them that makes them re-think about the WTS they will allways remain there and feel "sorry" for us.

  • blondie
    Blondie, I betcha he wasn't as ugly as the elder that visited me!

    Actually, min, he is a very ugly man inside, evil in fact, deceptive, two-faced. Ah, that felt good. Blondie

  • minimus

    Thinker, you're right! I'm sure he feels he's trying to do a fine thing. But I do know him and he's a pain in the ass type. He asks more questions than "Minimus".

  • cbew

    Hey minimus did he come by himself? If he did it probably was on his own initiative as they are told now to always go with another elder on any shepperding visit etc. ( also because of the two witness rule if they wanted to get something on you ). In that case whatever you tell him cannot be used against you in a judicial case. You can be striaghtforward and honest with him and deny everything later if they ever decide to haul you in for further questioning.

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