Who is Greg Stafford

by confusedjw 11 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • confusedjw

    Who is he? All I know is he wrote a book. Is he df'd? Is he active?

  • Farkel

    : Who is he? All I know is he wrote a book. Is he df'd? Is he active?

    I and several others have debated with Greg over the years. He's a highly intelligent and somewhat educated dub who has been a major WTS apologist.

    He won't yet say so, but he is on his way out, IMHO. He's too smart to stick with the WTS given their history of lies and revisionism.

    He wrote a book, which I believe was called "Jehovah's Witnesses Defended" (I don't read fiction). This same book has been reviewed in here and elsewhere by those to actually read it.

    For some strange reason the WTS has not messed him up for writing a book defending it. They usually do so, insisting that members have NO right to defend their religion. Book sales belong to THEM, and do not belong to even one of their most loyal members, no matter how kind the book deals with THEM.

    I would guess they did not interfere because Greg is SMART and well-informed and maybe they need more smart people these days. Such people are sorely lacking in WatchtowerLand(tm) these days.

    As far as I know, he is still active. I still think he is on his way OUT, though. As far as I know, he is not an elder, even though he knows ten times as much stuff as yer regular window-washer elder knows. Politics and jealousy. These are things that are stock in trade with multi-national Corporations, and that is exactly what the WTS has become.

    This is all Bible-Based(tm).


  • jgnat

    Does Greg Stafford hang out at Channel C?


  • confusedjw

    Interesting. Where did you have contact with him? JWD or other? Where you slipping into assemblies posing as an interested person? That would be a hoot.

    window-washer elder knows. .........This is all Bible-Based(tm).

    I got laughing about here ^

  • Farkel

    : Where did you have contact with him? JWD or other?

    I debated with him on the old H20 and to a lesser extent in here. Those of us who were there on the old H20 know we have knowledge of facts that hugely embarrasses Greg, due to his own hubris. But I won't bring it up unless he acts that way again.


  • confusedjw

    The sin of pride amoungst jehovah's people? Now that will get him into trouble

  • TheOldHippie

    Farkel, you fail to mention "Three Dissertations", which is his latest book, and which deals with WTB&TS's legalism (birthday celebrations, monthly reports etc.), chronolgy and role as a "prophet", and which is THE book which makes you wonder why he was not df'ed, as opposed to "JW defended". I by the way do not think you should regard the latter as fiction etc., it is a highly scholarly work and carries excellent points when it for example deals with the Trinity, the Name etc., and the second issue of it, which is very extended compared to version one, shows a clear development in Stafford for example on the question of blood transfusions. Stafford was a MS before he moved, and I think it is wrong to downplay his scholarship, he is teaching at a University and is a highly intelligent and scholared person. It is wrong to wind him up with Carr, Bysong, Furuli etc.

  • Farkel

    Confused ex-JW,

    I believe Greg has posted a few times on this board. Most of our contact with him was on the old H20. He was pretty active there for a while, and we enjoyed his participation. With Greg there, at least we had someone with some brains to debate back then!

    Old Hippie,

    I'm well aware that Greg is highly intelligent and is far more honest that Carr and Furulli.


  • jaredg

    does greg believe that the WTBTS is the sole channel of communication for god on earth?

  • minimus

    shhhhh---don't speak of Greg OR ELSE he'll get in trouble!

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