It doesn't matter. The governing body is not associated with the Watch Tower Corporation any more. Haven't been since 2000. They have been reduced to myth status. They are a governing body with nothing to govern.
When will non-annointed men serve on the Governing Body?
by logansrun 25 Replies latest jw friends
Yep gary. Then in the worship book(2002) they changed it to any annointed at the headquarters. THey are another brand name like the FDS. THe watchtower does not have to change any doctrine for the future. THey have got ride of 1935 and that the GB actually runs the watchtower. Nothing more is needed all they need is a few halos to ask what color to put the watchtower superscript in each month. Oh wait they already have a dpt for that.
run dont walk
They have already shown pics in the Watchtower with Russell, Rutherford, Knorr, and Franz in heaven watching over the kings intrest on earth.
PLEASE POST !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
THIS I WANT TO SEE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, I think a MORE important question is when will the Dubbies reform to the extent that having testicles is seen as a qualification for something. Whether someone regarding themselves as part of a self-appointed dellusional elite is seen as an essential factor in membership is a far less significant factor in the 'mainstreaming' of the cult.
If god is a misogynist, Satan has a point. This is a silly idea. Therefore, God probably isn't a misogynist. This can also be proved by the fact women look better naked. If god really didn't like women he'd have given them the bodies with the embaressing unasthetic dangly bits.
If god really didn't like women he'd have given them the bodies with the embaressing unasthetic dangly bits.
They don't always dangle
If god really didn't like women he'd have given them the bodies with the embaressing unasthetic dangly bits
embarassing, unaesthetic, dangly + often unsymmetrical (true beauty lies in symmetry as you know....)
Off topic, I know. I'm shutting up.
Pole the Phallic
When sisters given public talks and serve on JCs.
mmm Good idea. That would be a trip to be interrogated by a Judicial Committe made up by women. (They'd have to be naked though) I think I will head for cover now and keep a low profile.
THat should be a tread. On wensdays nights entire meetings had to be conducted on the A school and have the elders give every part. Right now seems to be that such a change would be a flag of how the faith is dying. It would take new light. Sorta like the new light that the governing body is not a corporation and that the great crowd can run the entire watchtower iwth out their input.
embarassing, unaesthetic, dangly + often unsymmetrical (true beauty lies in symmetry as you know....)
Err on topic didnt they already resign a few years ago as being in charge of a lot of day to day affairs. Supposedly this was to provide more time to work on "spiritual food" but obviously since there are so few of them a lot of that garbage is put out by the rank and file anyway.
Truth their real job seems to be preoccupied by not dying of old age, putting together long winded talks for assemblies, and figuring out what doctrine can be compromised the fastest to get them out of legal trouble and giving that sudguestion to the board.