The way to understand it all is to realize there are teachings about practices and then there are the practices. Seldom do the teachings about the practices and the actual practices match. That is the way it is with the teaching that the Faithful and Discrete Slave Class (tm) direct the Watch Tower Publishing Corporation.
If the teaching would be true, members of the type who partake of the bread and the wine would be called into New York to fill vacant positions of direction. We know they are NOT, and those positions are filled with the unsaved members of the lower class type.
Almost every teaching about the practices do not match the practices, from pouring out blood to being no part of the world, to not becoming linked with worldly governments, to shunning.
That's one reason there is SO much secrecy in the group. It's because there is so much being done in conflict with established guidelines for required behaviors behind the view of the public and out of site of worker class Witness people.
The rules for conduct apply to the lower class Witness people but do not apply to the elder and above class.
It would be a mistake to think this bothers the true believers. It does not.
When will non-annointed men serve on the Governing Body?
by logansrun 25 Replies latest jw friends
True gary. If the world knew JW beliefs nobody would become a JW unless it is to be a hypocrite. Such as the preaching work the practice is to get the word out to as many people as possible, and yet the watchtower promotes the most inefficient means. If they wanted to they could have the followers work over time instead of sevice to donate money for TV spots. This would be effective but it is not done.
Tim Horton - Welcome! I noticed this is your first post and wanted to say hello.
as a newbie still finding the cultish aspects of my previous belief system more unnerving all the time
This is good news for you - it means you are getting well! I know what you mean about the 1995 change. I find it so apalling that this HUGE change wasn't more unnerving for the masses of JW's. My mom went to Ecuador to do missionary work in 1996 - it didn't even phase her. I'm glad you saw it for what it is - False Prophesy!
As far as the GB-- Yes it will have to change but I think we have plenty of evidence that tells us that whatever cockamamie story they feed the R&F-- it will be happily gobbled up - no questions asked.
As was mentioned, many on the GB are "replacements" (being born after 1935 or very close to 1935). If GB seats continue to be filled by "replacements", this would be a plausible solution to the masses and could continue for quite some time if not indefinitely.
Some variant history here:
What exactly would you designate as the "Governing Body"? This is a recent concept - despite the Watchtower's lies
about how it existed thru their 120 year history. There were some old timers who felt that Covington was in charge of a lot
of big time stuff, in his day. There was also reference made to the metaphor of Jonadab , who was called to help Jehu
and given authority, although not an Israelite. Fred Franz reversed this trend.
Haydn Covington was on the (then) GB as Vice-President - but stood down when "light" shon on the issue
Today the "helpers" of the other sheep run the day to day business - personally I think that regardless of the legal link between the GB and various legal entities that the old men still pull the strings - of course they must all die someday and doubtless some explanation will emerge to explain how this fits in with the pasy and that, as an example, the GB actually is now ruling FROM heaven thru other earthly representatives. Somehow they will cavort round the truth when the time comes - of course so many who would have questioned this have left / died themselves