hi guys, i am kinda down, no i am really down

by orbison11 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • orbison11


    i am very sad, since i was df'd i have led a crazy life

    one you would read about in a book

    i have many many aquaintances, they think i have it all together, but i do not. my four children do not talk to me, for about 5 years, since the dfing, i have no parents, they died years ago, shees, it is a sad story if one was to write it all down, anyway

    i think i am posting this so i might get someone from here to say hi to me, silly eh,,,you may not realise it, but i read every post here, since the start of jwd, and you all are a part of me:)


  • StinkyPantz

    Sorry you are feeling so down. All I know how to do are give cyber hugs & kisses, here:


  • Sirona


    Don't put yourself through any guilt about things you may have done. Most EX JWS do some stupid stuff after leaving (I know I certainly did!).

    It is a process, a result of being in a cult and then leaving.

    Sorry to hear about your children. Is there no way to make contact?

    Keep posting,


  • Bryan


    I went through the same thing is sounds like. There is life after death! Take heart, and hope you start feeling better.


  • bisous

    Wendy, personally, it helped me to write ALL of the story down. Share as much of it as you are comfortable doing here, you will find many of us have had similar experiences, equally sad. You won't be judged for it and the surprising fact of similarity has a healing impact. We are interested in hearing more from you You never know, by doing this someone here might be able to offer suggestions, based on their experiences, that will help you progress and rebuild. and by all means, keep on reading!

    Please know you are not alone. ((orbison11))

  • orbison11

    thank you all so much

    i am having a really bad day, probably one of the worst in five years, i am leaving a relationship that is abusive, don't have any contadt with my children due to the dfing, etc

    and funny enough, i have kept all friendships off, although people almost beg me for association,

    do any of you do that? heck i think i need to go back to the shrink


  • StinkyPantz


    Maybe a few visits with a counselor would help. You sound like you are going through a whole lot.. alone. That's no good for you.

    and funny enough, i have kept all friendships off, although people almost beg me for association
    My reaction to depression: push everyone away. I have no clue why I do it, but I do. Please try not to isolate yourself, I doubt it'd be good for your mental health.
  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    Wendy, you have a PM.


  • CeriseRose

    I don't have answers for you....but I do have a big hug!


    (I have cats, they send cuddles too.)

  • seeitallclearlynow

    Wendy, I'm so sorry to hear of your despair; and sounds like for some time now! The break up of the abusive relationship surely is causing you to feel it more intensely right now - that's got to be really hard! Is there any co-dependence involved in this relationship? Books on that subject are very helpful to many women. You might find some comfort at least in understanding yourself better; it helps you look ahead.

    And this:

    and funny enough, i have kept all friendships off, although people almost beg me for association

    I don't do this, but I have seen it many times in people that I care about. Talk about chaining yourself up!! Not that it's your fault by any means, but again, understanding the roots of this behavior should help free you. I hope you will do some research at the library or book store if you can't get to your therapist - or do both!

    Have you considered Alanon for Adult Children? It's supposed to be a good support group.

    Just some thoughts - I don't know you! But I sure hope you feel better soon, and not so alone.

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