An idea to help Dansk

by Mulan 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mulan

    Hi everyone.............I have a very sweet niece, whose husband has almost the same kind of lymphoma that Dansk does, and I have been showing her the board's discussion about him and his responses. She had this idea that I told her I would present to everyone to see what you think. (doesnt' have to be prayer in the sense we used to think of it, just positive thinking) She is a University of Washington educated psychologist, and an ex JW (since she was a young teen) and leans towards Buddhism now.

    <<I have an idea for people to try that I read about in
    an awesome book: How about having everyone on the
    message board (whoever wants to) come up with a time
    (same time, adjust for time zone differences) to spend
    a few minutes praying for and sending healing energy
    to Ian, visualizing him in healing light. A very
    strong vibration is built up through the thought waves
    of the group and this helps oopen the channels for
    healing. Being energetic beings, ALL of us have access
    to this energy. All that we have to do is have the
    desire and the belief that we can send this healing
    energy to Ian. (As individuals, we can also try to get
    in touch with his higher self and ask it to work with
    us to heal Ian.) I know that this would help him on
    some level. It seems worth trying.

    If people want to do this, I would love to join in. A
    good time to do this is shortly after a person has
    gone to sleep, or when he/she has been through several
    dream stages, a few hours into the sleep. The healing
    energies can more easily penetrate the individual's
    energy levels.

    If you are interested in the book that this idea came
    from, it is called "Cosmic Journeys" by Rosalind
    McKnight. It is based on real experiments done with
    brain wave technology, starting in the 1970's, by
    Robert Monroe of the Monroe Institute. I learned of
    this when I was a psychology student and was totally
    intrigued. I just now got around to reading this book
    about it from the library.>>

    So let me know what you all think of this. Since Ian is in England, we need to figure out a time when he would be sleeping to cause the greatest effect for him.
    Marilyn (Mulan)

  • Sirona

    Great idea! I'd love to join in.

    I can help with the time zone thing...


  • FlyingHighNow

    Sounds like a very good idea.


  • Dansk


    I think this is a great idea. Thank you! Please thank Tania, also.

    Research has shown that those who are seriously ill and are prayed for tend to recover faster/completely than those who aren't!

    I believe good vibes/wishes and prayers DO make a difference.

    I'm in bed most nights and dozing/trying to sleep at around 12.00 p.m. We're 5 hours ahead of New York. I should say I'm having some sleep at around 1.00 a.m.-2.00 a.m. British Time. Most often I wake up at around 3.00 a.m. I then usually get back to sleep at 4.00 a.m.- 6.00 a.m.

    Thanks everyone!


  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    Count me in!

    Country Girl

  • seeitallclearlynow

    I'm in Mulan!!!

  • Valis

    Oi Dansk...wished we had hooked up while I was in the UK, but it was good talking to you on the tele anyway. I hope you are well and as I am not a praying man, I've becided to dedicate each to the betterment of your health..cheers mate.


    District Overbeer

  • gumby

    I'm in.....just say when.


  • Mulan

    Thanks everyone. A good response so far, for a Sunday. I will kick it back up tomorrow too.

    I'll post again in a new thread when we decide on a time.

  • avishai

    I'm in

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