An idea to help Dansk

by Mulan 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mulan

    I think we will do this next Tuesday (or Wednesday for some not in this Hemisphere) August 31. 5PM on the West Coast of US. Use Sirona's time guide.

    I will post again to remind everyone. Make a note of it though, so you don't forget if you don't check the board often.

    Sitting position is best I'm told.

  • ohiocowboy

    Great idea! Count me in. Anything for such a warm, caring person!!!

  • Princess

    OK! You'll have to remind know how easily I forgot stuff around here.

    I saw you started another thread on this so I have to check and see if it answers my questions!


  • siegswife

    This is a great idea. I'm there too.

  • Dansk

    Marilyn, Everyone, I can't thank you enough. I'm overwhelmed by all your kindness and absolutely positive your prayers/good wishes/vibes/drinking to my health will all do the trick. I have learnt so much since treading my spiritual path - and there is much one can accomplish with positive energy! I'll be ready to receive your energies with heart-felt appreciation.

    There are so many wonderful people here. All of you are an integral part of my spiritual growth. This, in turn, affects my physical constitution.

    Love to each and every one of you!


  • LittleToe


    I'll be ready to receive your energies with heart-felt appreciation.

    Noooo. You need to sleep!!!
    Leave the rest to everyone else

    But if you should wake at 1am and hear a buzzing sound, let us know, huh?

    This is also continued on the following thread:

  • Simon

    Heck, I'm not religious but I'll give it a go. If there is a god maybe I'll scare the crap out of him and make him get back to work.

  • Robdar
    Serious question: does it matter what position? I mean is one better than another? Forgive me, I don't know.

    No, the position doesn't matter. Do what is comfortable to you.

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