Would the world be a better place without religion?

by micheal 79 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    hmmmm.....lemme see now.....

    Without religion, there would be no fanatical religious terrorists trying to destroy other ppl because of not sharing their beliefs and religious practices....

    Without religious differences, Ireland would be basically at peace.

    Human rights or nuclear disarmament would be the only excuses that any major world power could use for military intervention in another country's affairs and to cover their butts where their greed and/or control-freakishness is concerned.

    The words "hell" and "prison" (ie: you're goin' there if you break the law of the land) are viably interchangeable.

    Some might question whether loving-kindness would still be manifested by mankind as a whole here on the earth, but I believe it's an innate human quality or characteristic and that it would be very telling to see how many people would continue manifesting a kind persona toward others....because without religion, it could be done just for the "fun of it" and not for any hidden heavenly agenda.....and perhaps it would be accomplished with more wisdom.

    Would the entertainment industry segue into a more porn-prone milieu? Probably public rationale would intervene in behalf of saner choices in film genre.

    The only issues creating barriers that would continue to exist among humans would be territorial, language, racial, monetary, personal appearance and personal possessions....because these are also natural barriers in that humans automatically distrust that which they do not understand, do not know, do not have....and that which is different.....and humans want what someone else has.

    Frannie B

  • Mysterious
    Some might question whether loving-kindness would still be manifested by mankind as a whole here on the earth, but I believe it's an innate human quality or characteristic and that it would be very telling to see how many people would continue manifesting a kind persona toward others....because without religion, it could be done just for the "fun of it" and not for any hidden heavenly agenda.....and perhaps it would be accomplished with more wisdom.

    There are a lot of good people in this world who are not religious, even anti-religious. I'm sure kindness itself wouldnt fly out the window for the lack of religion. However one has to question the actions of a lot of religious based groups that do charity work primarily. If these people are doing it because they feel it is their duty to set a religious good example of because it will build up heavenly brownie points they may be more inclined to turn a blind eye in the absense of religious motivation unless the problem were right under their noses. (ie: not halfway across the world in a third world country)

    I believe humans will always find something to fight about. If fanatic religious groups were not present there would be extremist groups of another sort present. There is always a reason to hate and to discriminate and the source of our blame would simply be forced to shift to a new source.

  • peacefulpete

    The Spiritual Humanists are are group of secular minded folks that see ritual and tradition as essential cornerstones of spirituality (which in their definition means higher moral values and positive emotion) in any large group. There is a pull to establish traditions that anchor the mind, and appear unchanging. Christmas is perhaps the best example of a tradition that easily stirs the better aspects of human nature (generosity, family,innocence, creativity etc) without necessarily having overtly religious significance. IMO keeping Christ OUT of christmas is the best way for society to go.

  • LittleToe

    It's been said already, but I'll restate it simply:

    Religion is a tool.

    A knife is a tool, too.
    Maybe we should stop making them, given that most armed violent crime in Britain uses one.
    I don't know how I'm gonna eat my steak thought!

    Removing religion wouldn't remove peoples interest in spirituality. The Communists tried that dh. What was the result of their reforms? Did it stop violence on the streets of Moscow, Tien an Men Square?

  • LittleToe


    Christmas is perhaps the best example of a tradition that easily stirs the better aspects of human nature (generosity, family,innocence, creativity etc) without necessarily having overtly religious significance. IMO keeping Christ OUT of christmas is the best way for society to go.

    Great analogy, but why keep Christ out, given it's his basic message of "love" including "love thy neighbour" upon which the whole of the Xmas spirit is borne?
    Maybe widening the bounds beyond Christianity, is the way to go, as is seen in Japan, etc.; But to remove Christ from Xmas surely leaves you with an empty "Mass"?

  • scotsman

    If we start with religion, move on to politics before removing humans completely, the world may indeed become a better place.

  • micheal

    It seems very clear that ALL humans have an insatiable hunger to find god, ( or at least why we are here and where are we going ) thus religion.

    Religion has gone as far as it can, it cannot possibly do more than it already has. It cannot stop hunger, it cannot stop wars, it cannot bring eternal happiness. No, only God can do that and without God religion is just another human run organization on this earth.

    So maybe religion isn't to blame as much as God's inactivity.

  • blondie

    I haven't read the other posts, but try and find a definition of "religion" that everyone agrees to. I doubt you can do it. Before getting rid of "religion" I think you have to do that.


  • Terry

    Have you ever seen the 50's Sci-Fi film, FORBIDDEN PLANET?

    Colonists flourished on the planet Altair-4 until they were mysteriously torn limb from limb.

    The planet had once been inhabited by an incredible race called the KRELL who were advanced in every way. They were benevolent, creative and devoted to progress in the sciences.

    The only colonist who survived the mysterious destructive force is Dr. Moebius and his daughter.

    As the film begins, a rescue ship is sent to check on what happened to the colonists who have not contacted Earth in a long time.

    The upshot of the film is that Moebius has investigated the KRELL and figured out how their power source works, their technology and especially their MIND BOOST machine.

    The KRELL had just perfected a device that could boost brain waves to the extent it had become possible to change thoughts into things. By thinking about a glass of water; you could produce one.

    The payoff comes when the invisible force begins killing again, indiscriminately. Who or what can it be?

    The answer is this. Inside of every living thing is the hidden part of the mind; the ID. This part of you which cannot be controlled. It contains the REPRESSED thoughts, passions, desires. The Krell machine made their hidden frustrations, anger, jealousy, passion ACTUAL.

    Once actual it went on a killing spree.

    RELIGION, I posit, is the expression of our ID projected outward and made "actual" in the form of a person: God or Devil.

    We won't take credit for it, we cannot face it is from ourselves; so, we do the next best thing and pretend we are controlled from the "outside" by the power of these "real" personalities.


  • mouthy

    I'm not sure religion is the problem so much as Organized Religion is.(stated by someone above) I agree whole heartedly!!! But I think a RELATIONSHIP is the answer....Just as a radio comes with a book of instructions! I believe we came with instructions also! The Bible!!! If we come to recognise we are a creation made by The LORD Jesus Christ -GOD!!!! and He allows us to have free will. But he guides us IF we wish!!!! Told us how we can work with less hassle if we follow the instructions.... But of course like everything else Men got on the band wagon saw how to make a buck!! So started todays!!!!! religions!!!! all claiming to be the WAY! to TRUTH! to Get LIFE!!! I do believe there are many loving people who attend religions! thinking it is GODs orders!!! But we have been therre done that! Havent we???? I have learned to live & let live! Because I believe we TOO will pass before the Judge!!!!!! No Not Russell!!!!! JESUS!!!!! The name above all others!! You asked I answered! Sorry if I offend some

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