hmmmm.....lemme see now.....
Without religion, there would be no fanatical religious terrorists trying to destroy other ppl because of not sharing their beliefs and religious practices....
Without religious differences, Ireland would be basically at peace.
Human rights or nuclear disarmament would be the only excuses that any major world power could use for military intervention in another country's affairs and to cover their butts where their greed and/or control-freakishness is concerned.
The words "hell" and "prison" (ie: you're goin' there if you break the law of the land) are viably interchangeable.
Some might question whether loving-kindness would still be manifested by mankind as a whole here on the earth, but I believe it's an innate human quality or characteristic and that it would be very telling to see how many people would continue manifesting a kind persona toward others....because without religion, it could be done just for the "fun of it" and not for any hidden heavenly agenda.....and perhaps it would be accomplished with more wisdom.
Would the entertainment industry segue into a more porn-prone milieu? Probably public rationale would intervene in behalf of saner choices in film genre.
The only issues creating barriers that would continue to exist among humans would be territorial, language, racial, monetary, personal appearance and personal possessions....because these are also natural barriers in that humans automatically distrust that which they do not understand, do not know, do not have....and that which is different.....and humans want what someone else has.
Frannie B