Would the world be a better place without religion?

by micheal 79 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • LittleToe


    I agree that religion can be a valuable "stepping stone"; but only if we come to see it as only a step.
    Problem is, is that it is a treacherous and dangerous stone that can easily blind us into thinking we are at the end and there is nothing ahead.

    I couldn't agree more.
    Further, it's not even an essential one. It's just one potential stepping stone amongst many (IMHO).

    You dont think that a message about loving your neighbour goes out at Xmas?

    This is getting scary. I'm agreeing with you again...

  • funkyderek
    This is getting scary. I'm agreeing with you again...

    Dammit, I must be losing my touch.

  • shotgun


    If something is true, it doesn't matter whether it was said by Jesus, Buddha, Marx or Darwin.

    Rutherford said we should even accept truths taught by Satan...and he should know.

  • scotsman

    In what sense are "Love your neighbour" is good advice. "Do unto others..." is good advice. "Don't eat yellow snow" truths? They may be good advice but there are situations in which they would maybe best not be applied.

  • LittleToe


    "Don't eat yellow snow"

    In all fairness, I'm gonna go with the above as an eternal truth!
    Besides, you'll find it in the "Book of Derek - Chapter 2 verse 3", so it must be infallible.

    LT, of the "I like to quote my sources" class

  • Princess

    "Don't eat yellow snow"

    In all fairness, I'm gonna go with the above as an eternal truth!
    Besides, you'll find it in the "Book of Derek - Chapter 2 verse 3", so it must be infallible.

    Have you never eaten a snowcone? It could be banana or lemon flavored and you'd be missing out. Things are not always as they appear.

  • funkyderek
    In what sense are "Love your neighbour" is good advice. "Do unto others..." is good advice. "Don't eat yellow snow" truths? They may be good advice but there are situations in which they would maybe best not be applied.

    Of course. It wan't my intention to posit these as eternal truths, merely to make the point that good advice should be followed and bad advice rejected, never just accepted without question.

  • LittleToe


    Of course. It wan't my intention to posit these as eternal truths, merely to make the point that good advice should be followed and bad advice rejected, never just accepted without question.

    You've burst my bubble!
    You're not the messiah, after all, you're just a very naughty boy! Rachel:

    Have you never eaten a snowcone? It could be banana or lemon flavored and you'd be missing out. Things are not always as they appear.

    ~perks up~
    Are you the messiah?
    You've certainly got the legs for it!
    Do you wear sandles?

  • Princess
  • LittleToe

    It's a sign!!!!

    The messiah stuck out her tongue at me.

    Dumb as a little cuddly lamb (Isa.53:7)

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