What were you expelled for?

by Joker10 52 Replies latest jw friends

  • bikerchic


    Even a fool like me has his limits...there isn't going to be a third go-round.

    Humpt!!! I am the third wife!


  • onacruse

    Dangitallanyway, Katie-poopoo...I'm talking about religion, not marriage.

    Geez, womenz!


  • ColdRedRain

    I wasn't baptized so they couldn't expell me. All they could do was bar me from doing multi-level marketing because I saw my close friend at the time have sex on my bed. I wanted to crawl back until I saw Heidi Meyer and Silentlembs on TV, noticed that I was telling myself in my head that a potentially molested girl was the spawn of Satan, realised that I was demonizing somebody that was innocent AND NEVER LOOKED BACK! Since then, I've seen the real truth to the JW's, mainly that they're a cult that likes to demonize and exclude anybody that puts a negative light on their peculliar and potentially dangerous cult.

  • seattleniceguy

    Heya Joker,

    If you read this board at all you should know this by now, but I was not expelled. I left after experiencing the total shock of realizing it wasn't true. Whew! Talk about making your entire world turn sideways, inside out, and every other way. Then I realized that they weren't just wrong and innocent, they were actually harmful, so I DA'd as a way of casting my vote.


  • bull01lay


    Havent been yet.. But it will probably be for sex..

    Sounds like a plan. You taking bookings ????


  • RevMalk
    Re: What were you expelled for?


    Of course at the time I wasn't...

    go figure.

  • LittleToe

    You've got it the wrong way around.

    I expelled them, and told them so from the platform!

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    I was df'd for calling the Governing Haughty the white-washed graves and hypocrites they are and pointing out some of their unscriptural doctrines and practices. Why?

    Frannie B

  • TD

    Well okay....

    The first time involved some road flares bound together with electrical tape, a few curly wires and an old alarm clock that tick-tocked real loud ---all placed in the principal's desk drawer. He wasn't very amused (Once they peeled him off the ceiling)

    The second time involved a simple inverter made from a DPDT relay, an old PA transformer and two penlight batteries. This was placed in a box and gift wrapped with (foil) wrapping paper and a pretty bow. The electronics instructor thought it was funny as hell, but a female teacher in the next class didn't share his opinion.

    Thanks Joker for the oppurtunity to get this off my chest. It was cathartic.....

  • jws

    I never was expelled. Throughout my JW life, we preached to others that their religions had false teachings. We taught that if your religion was wrong, you were obligated to leave it to find favor with God. At one point, I found out my religion was full of false teachings too. These false teachings were not just a matter of interpretation. There had been deliberate coverups and manipulations to protect these false teachings.

    I did the only thing I could do: leave.

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