My friends's son is being held from her within the borg

by Jez 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Jez

    I am posting this for my friend. She left her husband and the organization, is not df'ed, yet. She was extremely close to her son, now 13, up until she left. Her husband, her mother, her in laws are all JW's and have told him that she is of the devil now, she doesn't love him, she has left Jehovah and therefore him, she is bad association, she hates his religion, etc.

    She is dying inside bec they will not allow her to contact or see him and have turned him agaisnt her to the point where he now says that he does not have a mother.

    Only in JW's culture can this happen, any advice from those of you experienced that I can pass on?

    Thank you Jez

  • Carmel

    Dang that sucks! I'd get a good attorney and consult on the possibilities of disseffection suit.. course I don't know beans about the law but it seems there must be something to shake up the coersive conspiracy..

    best of luck


  • willy_think

    Record all conversations, document everything, family court, cops, local newspapers, do not let this stay in the dark make the cult do all this in the light of day. Be smart, be a pitbull. TAKE THE POWER

  • simplesally

    Courts usually award custody to the mom.

    Why aren't they together now? Did she abandon the house without the child?

  • Netty

    Its too easy in this day and age, to know you have rights, and to know how to use them. Are we missing a part of the puzzle? Like sally said, moms mostly get custody, and if for some reason she does not have custody, why would she not have visitation rights, all done through the courts. When you have a court order, then you drive on over with the police in tow, and you take your child. They cant keep her child from her.

    Unless there is more to the story.

  • blondie

    Time to see a good lawyer, get some legal rights established, then have law enforcement and the court make them stick. There are legal aid groups that do it for a low fee. Check with organizations for battered/abused women too for resources.


  • fleaman uk
    fleaman uk

    Is there a genuine reason her Child doesnt want to see her?Two sides to every story and all that......

  • Nosferatu

    What I would do if I was her, is write a letter to her son. Keep all doctrinal issues out of the letter. Write an incredibly kind letter to him. Put someone else's return address on it.

    How long has it been since she's seen or talked to her son?

  • blondie
    Is there a genuine reason her Child doesnt want to see her?

    Then let the Court and Child Services sort it out.

    Sending a letter will not work even under a different address if the family is checking the mail.


  • freedom96

    Another sad example of how the WTS actually destroys the family unit.

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