I could never understand how upwards of 4,000 could get baptized each month, yet they struggle to get anything above the million mark
that is because you are failing to keep in mine the creative accounting system the wt uses-
there is a tremdous difference between Dedicated Baptized members and "Publishers"
they are not the same
many churches count anyone who is signed up on the church rolls regardless of baptism or not
let me illustrate how it works
congo has 100 Publishers
75 baptized = 75 pub
25 unbaptize= 25 pub
100 pub total
4 baptize or NOT go irregular for this month
5 baptized or NOT go inactive for the month
3 unbaptized get baptize
you now have 91 Publishers for the month
it is this goofy accounting system that hurts wt
case in point, i had an annointed lady who due to health missed 6 months, she called me up crying telling me she would not be COUNTED IN THE YEARBOOK and she felt so sorry for messing up the yearly report-
this is the warped mindset that wt creates in its folks
i told her but sister you have been active for 65yrs jah will understand, so here we have an annointed being counted as an INACITVE JW-
you got to love it
nactive, tired of selling books for