US Service Report - June 2004 - not a good month for the dubs

by truthseeker 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • truthseeker

    The stats below are taken from the September 2004 Kingdom Ministry...

    Sp'l Pioneers: 206

    Pios: 88, 419

    Aux. Pios: 26, 024

    Pubs: 856, 461

    TOTAL: 971, 110 Baptized: 3, 253

    Consider April's report...

    Sp'l Pioneers: 199

    Pios: 91, 839

    Aux. Pios: 80, 041

    Pubs: 835, 695

    TOTAL: 1, 007, 774 Baptized: 2, 583

    So, after reaching a total of 1, 007, 774 dubs in April, they lose almost 37, 000 dubs in June. That is a lot of dubs.

    I could never understand how upwards of 4,000 could get baptized each month, yet they struggle to get anything above the million mark.

  • blondie

    Standard excuses



  • badboy

    Is this IN USA?

  • badboy

    I realize that it is now!

  • ozziepost

    Statistically there will be some "timing variances"; however the trend line, which is the important indicator, shows a very 'flat' picture too.

  • JT

    I could never understand how upwards of 4,000 could get baptized each month, yet they struggle to get anything above the million mark


    that is because you are failing to keep in mine the creative accounting system the wt uses-

    there is a tremdous difference between Dedicated Baptized members and "Publishers"

    they are not the same

    many churches count anyone who is signed up on the church rolls regardless of baptism or not

    let me illustrate how it works

    congo has 100 Publishers

    75 baptized = 75 pub

    25 unbaptize= 25 pub

    100 pub total

    4 baptize or NOT go irregular for this month

    5 baptized or NOT go inactive for the month

    3 unbaptized get baptize

    you now have 91 Publishers for the month

    it is this goofy accounting system that hurts wt

    case in point, i had an annointed lady who due to health missed 6 months, she called me up crying telling me she would not be COUNTED IN THE YEARBOOK and she felt so sorry for messing up the yearly report-

    this is the warped mindset that wt creates in its folks

    i told her but sister you have been active for 65yrs jah will understand, so here we have an annointed being counted as an INACITVE JW-

    you got to love it

    nactive, tired of selling books for

  • metatron

    Keep in mind that these numbers are largely bogus anyway because of guys like me who report an hour

    without going out in service.

    The situation was worse a few years back when they scammed about 1,100, 000 folks into reporting time

    and then saw a drop of over 100, 000 in one month. It's a lot of empty numbers - that they worship.


  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    It's a lot of empty numbers - that they worship

    Kind of reminds me of the old German leader who, at the end of the war, spent hours a day moving phantom armies around on his battlefield map, and dreaming of wonder weapons that never were.

  • JT

    these numbers are largely bogus anyway

    SO TRUE as sec in my hall and like most i knew we would "GUESSAMATE"

    if it was late and you didn[t want to call and wake up folks to ask for time you woold just look at what their avg was for the last few month and figure, If she avg 6 hours , i'm sure you got at least 4 or 5 this month and mark it down

    then think of all the Dougnut and 7-11 hours riding from one end of the county to the other for the HOT RV- SMLE

  • blondie

    I might mention that in the congos in this area if asked how many publishers they had, the elders and COs only mention "active" JWs. The inactive JWs are not included in the numbers mentioned from the platform or off unless it is as a number separate, i.e., "the congregation has 80 active publishers, although 10 were irregular this last six months," and if the inactivity is getting to be a problem, "we had 10 inactive publishers, 10 people who for six consecutive months could not find 1 hour to spend speaking about their grand creator."


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