How Many Here Left The Organization? How Many Got Kicked Out??

by minimus 59 Replies latest jw friends

  • seven006


    Were you in Oregon the whole time or are you an implant? If you were here in Oregon, did I know you in the 70's? You are close to my age and there were a lot of "get togethers" where some of them (not me) partook of beverages and stuff. What area of Oregon were you in at that time?

  • minimus


  • seven006


    Knock it off, I told you before, I like you, but I don't like you like you.

  • willyloman

    "Hotel California" walkaway, like blondie. So far so good.

  • zen nudist
    zen nudist

    Read Subliminal Seduction in 1980s, swore to myself if I caught the GB using them I would be out...then I found what I thought were

    real subliminals, my ex saw them too, so I kept my promise to myself and we picked up a book called ARMEGGEDON DELAYED which had nothing new in it, but for the very first time I was not mentally trying to make excuses for JW theology or BS [belief systems] and saw what a sham it was... my ex and I started discussing all our doubts over the time we were in...and discovered there was a mountain of them we had been hiding from ourselves, only seeing them one at a time and having a tunnel vision caused by being ENTRANCED.. now that the spell was broken, we saw what was always there to see...

    Because my ex had many family members in we wanted to just be quietly inactive...but a year later they started harrassing us and threatening us... when they could not get us to testify against ourselves, they lied and told everyone that I officially quit when I had done no such thing, although I was a hair away from it.

  • bavman

    i was df'd about 3 years back, made the comeback after 10 mo. just recently da'd myself.


  • cyber-sista

    I left..

    I was sick of heart and tired of the hate and prejudice towards any and all things not JW. Wanted the freedom to show love and compassion to others who were not JW.

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    Same thing really, isn't it ?

  • HappyDad

    When you seriously think about doesn't matter how we got out..........faded, da'd, df' least we are OUT!


  • wednesday

    they abandoned us and then we walked away from them but it took a lot longer to mentally leave. We are still wrestling with that.

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