I am the PURSER! Follow Me or You Will Die!

by Farkel 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Gopher
    Lord Strachan found that the Jehovah's Witnesses were a religious denomination but did not find the pursuer a regular minister. Lords Patrick and Mackintosh and the Lord Justice Clerk concurred with his findings.

    I thought that Jehovah gives his people VICTORY in their legal battles. The JW's continue their claims of being "ministers" despite all the proof to discredit that.

    The justice didn't find the PURSUER to be a regular minister? He was a PURSUER, dammit. Follow him or you'll die!!

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Ozziepost said,

    The tragedy of this is that some who were DF for disagreeing with "old light" were still viewed as Satan's disciples by the WTS even when the "old light" had been replaced by "new light" which the DF had been speaking of.

    The WTS' 'take' on this situation is that such ones were justifiably DF since they were "running ahead of the Organisation" and so were guilty of rebellion.

    How sick! They rebelled against a lie and in favor of 'God's truth' yet were still DF. That's sick!

    Yes, it IS sick, if you are expecting them to really be "seekers of truth."

    The fact is, they're not seekers of truth, as shown by the comments their corporate officers made during the trial. The Watchtower Bible & Tract Society is all about playing a lifelong game of "Simon Says" (no offense to our gracious host, Simon Green). If you don't do what The Watchtower says, or you "do this" when the Watchtower hasn't told you to, you're OUT.
  • jst2laws


    To repeat Nathan above Ilike your point:

    How sick! They rebelled against a lie and in favor of 'God's truth' yet were still DF. That's sick!

    Well put


  • bebu
    The justice didn't find the PURSUER to be a regular minister? He was a PURSUER, dammit. Follow him or you'll die!!

    Drats, gopher, you beat me to it!!

    This particular exchange is, in my mind, the most damning evidence against the WT for anyone who tries to maintain that JWs only follow the Bible. Can't get any more explicit than this! The only problem is access, because quoted statements (or even photocopying actual documents from Scotland) could be challenged as being invented.

    It would be WONDERFUL if certain pages could be posted online by Scotland's Archives, but I truly doubt that would happen. Is there any other way to help provide authentic materials to JW investigators, without requiring them to pay a small fortune? For example, if someone has the original material from Scotland, could they go to a lawyer to get "certified copies" of the most damning sections, and sell those?


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