I REALLY CAN UNDERSTAND THE MEANING OF HATE NOW........ I TRULEY HATE what the Cult of the Watchtower has done to me and my family.... MY son was diagnosed with schizophrenia at the age of 20,,,,(his uncle on his dads side also had the disease around that time ))) As some of you know he ended up in jail and a prison term because of things he did while in his schizophrenic state....all the while he was disassociated from the witnesses ,,,so he received NO HELP FROM THE LOVING ELDER BODY ( OF VIPERS)....Even when he was in jail,, an elder came to STUDY WITH THE LOST ONES... and because he knew of my sons situation would not allow him to comment at the prison study..... so when my son served his sentence,,,, he felt compeled to go back to the kingdumm hall...i am crying that is all he ever knew and I feel sooooo guilty.... as thats all i knew as the story goes I try to convince him they will never take him back,,,,without taking his very soul.... but he goes faithfully and sits by himself in his tattered clothes in the back....as we all know the drill....some how he gets back in.... i am devastated..as I have 3 children who never will go back because of their sadistic ,, annointed father and stepfather......who molested his own daughter.....( another horrible story)l its hard for me to write ,,, i hope you will put up with me ,, those of you who know me and even those who dont...this is my therapy... i must write it out....well as it goes he is not welcomed back.. its all for show,,,he cant stop smoking....and so he goes off his meds and is living in the streets...with no help or support from the brothers ,,,a term i use very loosely....he missed the district convention,, because no one could find him and then ......they find him to corner him like a rat (knowing fullwell of his mental condition ) and they disfellowship him......THE ANGER AND RAGE THAT I FEEL...IS UNCONTROLLABLE AT TIMES......I HATE ,, I HATE ,,,, I HATE SO MUCH OF WHAT THEY DID TO ME AND SOOO MANY OTHER SS ......forgive me ....this freaking CULT NEEDS TO BE DESTROYED... ONCE AND FOR ALL,,, AND I WILL NOT REST UNTIL I RESCUE MY LAST CHILD FROM ITS GRIP.......( I HAVE ONE DAUGHTER WHOS 18 THAT IS STILL IN)))) I AM CRYINGso hard now its hard to type,,thank you for hearing my story,,, its just a very small part of what me and my family have been thru ...thanks for listening and peace to you my dear friends...
by wildfire 21 Replies latest jw friends
I can sympathize with the state of your family---the WTS has wrecked and shredded mine so badly it will never be the same....
All I can do is offer my love and concern for you, as I know the pain of going through something like this all for a stupid pretend religion....
I wish I could help....PM me if you'd like to.
Yes, this cult needs to be destroyed! My prayers are with you and your family.
Wildfire, I feel your pain. I spent yesterday day crying over my own son and the messed up life he has that I cannot even talk about here.
One of the things that started me doubting the WTBTS was seeing several mentally ill JWs get dfd.
My children both are messed up unbelievably. I will not be surprised if my son ends up in the same shoes as your son or worse. I wish I could hug you. We could cry together and curse the WTBTS to the high heavens.
Oh Wildfire, you have been through so much through the years. My friend please do not let this eat you up. We know what this cult has and is doing to peoples lives ,you know first hand more then others. Stop letting it destroy you,all you can do for your son is try to get through to him and love him and stop tormenting yourself. The day will come when the WT comes tumbling down and you must be strong to be around to see it.
Love Kathy -
oh wildfire kls is right. the more you let hate and anger eat you up the more they have one because you won't be happy. as much as it may hurt you have to remember that your son is mentally ill and he may never let go of the fear of leaving the organization. all you can do is love him and enjoy the times you have. as far as your daughter just do the same. talk to her about her future and her choices. encourage her to not marry young like so many do.
my heart goes out to you. my sister is mentally ill and did not receive any medication or therapy growing up because the elders told her all she needed was counselling from the bible and discipline. she has tried to commit suicide four times. she left when I did about ten years ago but it has taken this long to get in a good place. she still has problems and always will but thank god she did not succeed with her attempts.
it is really hard when it is your child but you can only do so much and the left is up to them. they both know you are there for them. keep it open for them to come to you no matter what and they will always remember that. unconditional love always prevails.
I'm just sorry for all your family's suffering Wildfire and I surely hope you all find some peace.
After all I've been through as a kid raised by JWs, I always wished that my parents would wake up and rage like you have. Thank you for sharing your heart.
(((Wildfire))) ... I don't know what to say ... what a bunch of MMMMMMMMMMMMM !!!
Wish you to be able to calm down and yeah get all your kids out of this !!! (take care of you too)