Do you struggle to find truth in anything religious these days?

by Samdownunder 32 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • kwintestal

    My response to that is no. The WT has ruined any desire to search. They're the pot that calls the kettle black. All their training teachs that all other religions are based on lies. I don't know if others feel the same way as I do, but being raised a JW, and having that drilled into your head year after year after year, day after day after day, for your whole life it really ruins the search because you go into the search with immediate scepticism instead of an open mind, which is needed for the search.

  • Carmel


    I can really empathise with your condition. I left the borg at age 15 and began a search for thee "true religion". This was because of my JW upbringing that there had to be a "remnant" and that it was among us today.. ;Well, after several years I gave up. None of the christain choices met the criteria. So I began casual reading about other world religions, unfortunatley I judged them through eyes that were tainted by JW thought process which is a perchance for literalism. After giving up on organized religion entirely for several years and studiing biological sciences, I realized the old dichotomy between science and religion was full of holes as well. Both extremes are like two ends of the political spectrum, casting dead cats over the fence at the other.

    I eventually found a faith that does not force me to chose between Christian and Muslim, Buddhist or Hindu. I don't have to abandon scientific thinking to be "a person of faith" and I can embrace all persons of religion or of no religion as brothers. Being inclusive resolves so much that cannot be resolved when one has to be in one "camp" or another.

    Wishing you well in your quest.


  • outbutnotdown

    Wow!!!!! A couple of days late, but I'm surprised at the friction between Little Toe and itsallgoodnow.

    itsallgoodnow....... for what it's worth I have come to respect both of your opinions, but I have come to the conclusion that LT is somewhat passive aggressive............... he seems to aggressively go to lengths to remove himself from a situation that is confrontational but only after he has planted the seed to cause or at least carry on the possible confrontation. We all have that trait in us a bit but it comes out more in some than others. THAT trait about him, to me, is annoying and frustrating, but his general ideas seem to me to be fair and objective.

    LT........ itsallgoodnow is gorgeous..... what are you doing?... trying to scare her off of men in the REAL world..........please don't. But seriously, LT, I think my assessment of your passive aggressiveness is substantiated, but I'm not suggesting that there is anything "wrong" with you. We all have certain tendencies that the "wise" psychologists and psychiatrists have been so kind that they have given these "normal" human instincts TITLES, in order for us more judgemental people to codemn them, thereby creating an illusion that we are superior, in OUR own minds. I probably don't know yet some of my greatest weaknesses so I am all ears. However, itsallgoodnow has, more recently than you and I, removed herself from the JW bondage and she is more prone to react in a way to, at all costs, keep herself free from that worse JW lifestyle, so I understand your comments as well that were of a negative nature to her.

    In general, I'm just trying to shed some light and hopefully a little humour on the subject.

    Love you both, and cheers to you both and me!!!!!!


  • LittleToe


    It sounded to me like you were saying that some people's opinions matter less than others because they haven't tried another religion.

    Nawww. People's opinions matter. Surely you agree that "authoritative" sources of information are held in higher regard than "dubious" ones, though? If you had a choice of listening to a bespectacled old professor, who had kept up-to-date in his field and written respected and current papers on a subject, or listening to a large group of acne ridden and opinionated college Freshman, who would you pay more heed to?
    Maybe you'll excuse my hyperbole, for a moment, but online opinions can be exactly like that - mob rule often predominates.

    But you couldn't really know they haven't tried another religion.

    You're right. I can only go by what they've written, over a period of three years. Most are quite voluble on the subject.

    And it also seemed like you were leading to the conclusion that people can't have a valid opinion on this until they have joined another faith besides jehovahs witnesses.

    Not at all. Their opinion is valid. Whether or not it's objective is another matter entirely. I suspect you'd likely level a similar objection at a "Young Earth Creationist" regarding their opinion of geological dating methods.

    Sorry if I misunderstood any of that.

    That's ok. Cold, hard text can cause that. I'm sorry if I offended you with my comments, too.

    If firmly standing up for my opinion, occasionally, is passive agression then so-be-it.
    Gotta love those online psychological tests, huh?

    The written word is OFTEN misconstrued.
    I usually scatter emoticons liberally, but I still get taken far more seriously than intended, at times.
    Besides, how do you know I'm not a 24yr old Lithuanian, called Nancy, with excessive facial folical growth?

  • qwerty



    Besides, how do you know I'm not a 24yr old Lithuanian, called Nancy, with excessive facial folical growth?

    I thought you wasn't going to let everyone know about your transgender operation?

    Didn't you tell me at emans BBQ your name was now Nanski and you are waiting for the female hormones to kick in to stop the beard growth?


  • LittleToe

    Qwerty: are waiting for the female hormones to kick in to stop the beard growth?

    It's not responding to treatment
    Btw, you are a great kisser

  • qwerty

    Re: The topic...........

    I find it very difficult to trust organised religion. All my fellow earthlings (Nanoo nanoo) religious or not deserve respect. I take the non-judgmental approach- Unless it's obvious, in the case of for example Terrorists.

    Our creator as put us here for a purpose- I believe is to evolve into better people whilst we are on this planet.


  • LittleToe

    Oh yeah, the topic

    LT, "kiss n tell" class

  • qwerty


    Btw, you are a great kisser

    Twas your fiddling that did the trick!

  • Undecided

    I enjoyed this discussion and the opinions of everyone. I have a question about life that includes animals.

    Since life is also posessed by animals who have emotions and varying degrees of intelligence, are we a seperate and distinct level of existence with a special relationalship to a creator? Are there really spirits that are a step above our existance, with a different association with God as Jesus was supposed to have?

    Like so many others have concluded, I don't think we know anything about the spiritual side of existance, if there really is one. Scientist have discovered an area of the brain that is sensitive to spiritual thoughts and I think that is what draws so many people to develop a religious nature.

    I've developed the reality that I know virtually nothing about the purpose of the universe and humanity's reason for being here.

    I just try to find enjoyment each day with whatever comes along, some days I do find it and some days I don't. That's life for me.

    Ken P.

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