Point taken;) 18 to 90? [gasp] Man, sounds like JW's are more messed up than I've heard!...Kidding...sort of...
Ok, so it's slim pick'ns for a JW woman especially in a small foothills town. Luckily she works in a place where it's mostly all men/contractors for customers. Hmmm...Mostly men of all ages, contractors, respectable incomes, Maybe this is all intentional on her part? See I knew she was a smart woman!
I had been thinking all along that if I approached her - a woman in her late 20's, she'd think I was some sort of dirty old man of 43. I guess in the world of JW's I was wrong all along!...? The other part was not being able to act upon anything due to me being married, and only recently I've mentined that my marraige was in trouble. I've seen her being friendly with OLD men 50's+ unattractive, fat beer bellies, though didn't see it as flirtatious, but geeze, with all I'm hearing, now I wonder!...?
Whoa!!! Based on your comments, sounds like a better become a Jehovah immediately after and if I get separated/divorsed 'lol' A man in his early 40's with a decent income, most of my hair, and in good shape should be a hot item based on Blondies comments too;) Kidding.
It seems that if a JW woman who is out looking 'only' for a JW man with slim choices, and even less choices in small towns, 'would' be more willing to go for older men and maybe they would compromise on the looks of a man? Almost seems that they would be less interested in true love.
Just today, I was talking to a Mormon woman...I asked her if her husband was Mormon too..and if she 'specifically' set out to find a Mormon mate...she said yes. As an outsider and non-religious person, I find all of this very strange. I mean for example, as a musician of many years, most of my good friends are musicians. Mainly because I became friends with them during/after being in bands with them. I don't set out to do this, it just happend that way. As for looking for a woman, I would not set out for a female musician, in fact, I prefer not! Though if she was?...Eh...
All very interesting!