A Question For JW's Concerning Sticking To Their Own Kind...?

by Mr Parody 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Mr Parody
    Mr Parody


    Well she knows I'm married, but she also knows I may not be married for very long at this point. As I said, I thought she was interested in me, but the nature of her JW religion might be at play and she's trying to convert anybody she can!

    Funny a very attractive intelligent young woman in her late 20's and she's living with her father...? My friends warned me that there's definately something wrong there! Hmmm...She 'seems' normal.

    As said, I'm a sucker and I'd likely be at her feet if given the opportunity. I 'think' I'd accept the JW thing, but doubt that if I cannot be converted (well maybe if I 'had' to) I would not be accepted. But we do have to accept or tollerate other humans these days.

    Is this wrong of me to show interest in a woman and her religion just because I totally admire her and am willing to show interest in her life and way's...even a JW????..:o

  • run dont walk
    run dont walk

    RUN !!!!!!!!!!

    there's a billion other girls out there

    RUN !!!!!!!!!!

  • Mr Parody
    Mr Parody


    "lol" After talking about a book other than the one she gave me that I thought was interesting (a self help book written with relligious overtones), she said that she has found her truth and seemed to want only hear the Jehovah's word. Then went on to say that anything else is just 'mans' interpretation and not of gods actual words!...Hmmm...ok...Seems close minde to me.

    I think I won't actually RUN, but slither away;)

  • XQsThaiPoes

    Most JW publications are self help books disguised as religious matterial. The reason she lives with he parents is she is a JW, and JW parents are overly clingy to there children in fear of satan's system (aka real life) corrupting them. They tend to want their children to stay untill marriage so they can keep tabs on them. SInce most JWs get married very young (19,20) this is not a real burden in most cases.

    I was trying to say that jws used to be against education unless you planed on working for the orginization (for free). The only thing for intellegent people to do is imerse themselves in bible trivia watchtower publications and become walking appendixes. Now it has changed in the last decade or so.

    The reason I said she want a ring on her finger is in general thats all JWs do. I am using generalities in real life jws are very hypocritecal in some areas. So their conduct is regulated by what they can get away with. If you live in a small town is if more strict than a big city. I am only assuming she is an average single JW woman that cant find any JW men in her area that are not messed up.

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    THAT THEN THE OUTRAGEOUS WILL HIT THE FAN.....................................

  • Mr Parody
    Mr Parody


    Thanks for clearing that up! Yes, several small towns in the area. Quite different from where I grew up in the outskirts of the SF Bay Area. I had been wondering why such a pretty young woman and intelligent woman in her late 20's was still at home and not snatched up! Maybe she's picky? Maybe she IS looking for a JW in the hills of California...May be a while..Scary hillbilly types and such 'lol'. She no doubt has many admire's. I'm sure her biological clock is ticking at her age for a ring etc, though I don't think she's desperate...Must not be!


    Maybe I'm slow, but I don't follow?

  • blondie
    I had been wondering why such a pretty young woman and intelligent woman in her late 20's was still at home and not snatched up! Maybe she's picky? Maybe she IS looking for a JW in the hills of California...May be a while..Scary hillbilly types and such 'lol'. She no doubt has many admire's. I'm sure her biological clock is ticking at her age for a ring etc, though I don't think she's desperate...Must not be!

    Might I speak as a woman who was a single JW for some time.

    For every single man in the WT Society there is about 5 to 10 single women, depending on the age spread.

    While a single JW man can be 80 and marry anybody between 18 and 90, a JW woman does not have the same choices.

    Single men do not stay single long in the WT Society. Starting at 18, they are snapped up quickly. Should they study and be baptized, few of them stay single more than 6 months past their baptism. Sometimes the elders even joke that the single sisters greet them at the baptismal pool with a towel.

    There are also the perennially jobless, terminally homeless, socially inept, intelligence challenged, divorced with mean ex-wife and 4 children under 6, anally retentive, persnickty eternal bachelors, mama's boys, in the closet gays, manly headship obsessives, all brothers not to be selected for eternal wedded bliss.

    If that makes her picky, then so be it.



  • XQsThaiPoes

    you tell him blondie. Late 20's may as well be late 40's. Any man worth his salt in the org (by this I mean normal an not psychotic) will marry the youngest most atractive woman they can afford. In the real life this is sticks out more in the wealthy, foreigners, and criminals. In JWs the this is totally on steroids. If you got baptized right now as a JW with upper middle class income you could be going out with 18 year olds whos sole ambition is to be a housewife and prostelytizer.

  • Mr Parody
    Mr Parody


    Point taken;) 18 to 90? [gasp] Man, sounds like JW's are more messed up than I've heard!...Kidding...sort of...

    Ok, so it's slim pick'ns for a JW woman especially in a small foothills town. Luckily she works in a place where it's mostly all men/contractors for customers. Hmmm...Mostly men of all ages, contractors, respectable incomes, Maybe this is all intentional on her part? See I knew she was a smart woman!

    I had been thinking all along that if I approached her - a woman in her late 20's, she'd think I was some sort of dirty old man of 43. I guess in the world of JW's I was wrong all along!...? The other part was not being able to act upon anything due to me being married, and only recently I've mentined that my marraige was in trouble. I've seen her being friendly with OLD men 50's+ unattractive, fat beer bellies, though didn't see it as flirtatious, but geeze, with all I'm hearing, now I wonder!...?


    Whoa!!! Based on your comments, sounds like a better become a Jehovah immediately after and if I get separated/divorsed 'lol' A man in his early 40's with a decent income, most of my hair, and in good shape should be a hot item based on Blondies comments too;) Kidding.

    It seems that if a JW woman who is out looking 'only' for a JW man with slim choices, and even less choices in small towns, 'would' be more willing to go for older men and maybe they would compromise on the looks of a man? Almost seems that they would be less interested in true love.

    Just today, I was talking to a Mormon woman...I asked her if her husband was Mormon too..and if she 'specifically' set out to find a Mormon mate...she said yes. As an outsider and non-religious person, I find all of this very strange. I mean for example, as a musician of many years, most of my good friends are musicians. Mainly because I became friends with them during/after being in bands with them. I don't set out to do this, it just happend that way. As for looking for a woman, I would not set out for a female musician, in fact, I prefer not! Though if she was?...Eh...

    All very interesting!

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