OK..I'm gonna throw my two cents in and seven the hot chick can bite me and Gumbucolic can stew in his own urea...
The world of onanism as he is used to has long since past. People do and will continue to incorporate the Internet as a part of thier lives. Craig has done so to more of an extreme meme than some, but nevertheless a good example. In my life I have incorporated the Internet, discussion boards, work, email, friendship, naughtiness, adventure, and on and on into my life. All of which I wouldn't change or try to revert to a prior state even if I could. Even troglodytes are a product of thier environs...The hard part comes when scenarios don't fit old values into new wine skins. It is hard to deal with all the time for anyone. Which I suspect more to be Craig's case than anything. Also, one doesn't leave a group of friends and simply call it "moving on", unless of course those friends are causing you more harm than good. I hope that isn't what is happening. Growth, as one might describe it in a broad sense is hard stuff even for the old bastards among us. I hope onanism just needs a break and to try and work around just one of the thousands of scenarios that one might encounter here and in RL, or whichever is which...*LOL*
District Overbeer