What is the youngest age you've seen someone df'd or Da'd?
by avishai 52 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
In the early 80's, we had a 10 year old that was considered and announced as "bad association, in harmony with 1 Cor. 15: 33" and treated just as a disfellowshipped person!
the early 80's, we had a 10 year old that was considered and announced as "bad association, in harmony with 1 Cor. 15: 33" and treated just as a disfellowshipped person!
A bad ass at 10...That is just sick...sick ...sick ...
But think of what they consider a bad ass
14 for having sex with a 19 yr old elders son.
New Castles
Isnt it sick when you think we were part of an organization that taught that shunning children was the right thing to do?
14 year old boy is the youngest I remember. I remember the talk and how the so called brother brought out that in the days of the Israelites they would stone the children if they were disobedient to the parents. Can't remember what this kid did now, but seems like it was smoking and he just did not want to stop. I remember thinking, what must this kid who was sitting with his parents must be thinking. "Hey they want to stone me." Did he think of running away, darn if I wouldn't have been thinking about it if I'd been that kid.
I was 50 when I was disfellowshipped after 29 yrs. in the JW. One of the Elders informed me that adultery was punishable by stoning in the days of the Israel. I told him think about it a minute. If a man and woman were thinking of committing adultery they would know all that and if they loved each other they would just pack up and run away. They would not stick around for the leaders of their community to stone them. So I know that rarely happen. I told them I put up with verbal and physical abuse for 30 darn years and I was not doing it anymore. The man I was joining leaving with was 100% improvement over the JW husband I was leaving. And thank goodness the Government of the US don't allow religions to act on such nonsense as stoning or death to those who devy the their verison of the bible. Well none of them knew what to say, except your disfellowshipped. I said great, you all have a great day.
But what kid is going to be able to stand up the inquisition of a judical committee. Harassment, put downs, God's vengeful ways. Can't even imagine a 10 year old standing before them without the parents there to protect them. That is just aweful. I never allowed the Elders to speak to my children without either their dad or I with them. I did not trust them.