As if this hasn't been beat to death already......
God refuses to communicate with humans, YET allows Satan to speak, posses, trick and tempt people regularly.
God has 'myriads' of Angels at his disposal, but for some unknown reason, prevents them from interracting or intervening for the good of mankind YET Satan gets to unleash the demons.
God is the grandest mack-daddy killer of all time with one global genocide, multiple regional genocides and numerous murder spree's under his belt. Almost every one of these blood fests were with people who he made no effort to change or inform. Heck the people of Noah's day hadn't even broken one of his laws! But stay tuned, he's going for the record at Armageddon - the biggest whack-down of them all! And the best part is the supposed reason (the Issue of Soveriegnty or varients thereof) isn't even in the Bible! Nope, none of the writers even offer this as an explaination for upcoming slaughter .
Would any parent treat his/her children this way?
I think it's fiction. Like every other sacred religious text, it contains tales of places far, far away, a long, long time ago, with magical powers and mythical beings that for some strange reason cannot be found ANYWHERE today. Hmmm, what a coincidence. Can you think of a Religious belief system that DOESN'T follow this same manufactured plot?
I think it's odd that we can so easily dismiss the validity of other religious tales, yet whole heartedly embrace this one simply because it is one we've been accostomed to since childhood. That's how all religious adherents behave.