Were you the same Winston that used to post on the old H20? I never corresponded with you then, so I don't know.
Has Oceana REALLY always been at war with Eurasia?
Is black really white? Is slavery really freedom? Does 2 + 2 really equal 5?
Does our "big brother" (BB) really care about us and our fate? Of COURSE he does! He LOVES us! "Love is hate." BB said so.
How did you get that bullet out of your head from our beloved BB's orders and live to go on with your life? :)
"1984" was Jehovah's way of saying "fuck you" to the Watchtower religion, and I for one rejoice at that. Pardon my "French," folks.
Just teasing. Always a pleasure to read your stuff.
Update on my life. Long read. Some good, some bad :-D
by Winston Smith :>D 26 Replies latest jw friends
That is so true about JWs seeing only the negative things now that you are out. Likely she doesnt see how much happier and better off you are. Good for you for wanting to help other people exit, that is so true that nothing will work on everyone because they all came or stayed for the same reason. I am glad you have been able to find balance in your lives and hope your family will be able to as well soon.
Winston Smith :>D
Winnie: I'm getting along in years and have found that a job change based on principles and character almost always leads to happiness and usually leads to even more success in the long run. May that be the case with you.
Thx, I feel the same way as well. I see the few people who have been involved with the current company for a while now, and they are not happy people. At the new place most everyone seems quite happy and eager to be part of a winning team. That to me says that the place is run on principles and taking care of their people.
Good Karma. I'm a bigger believer in that than most any other principle in life right now.
Your wife hasn't bolted, which is encouraging...has she given a reason or a hint of it, though? did she say why she's staying?
Hey bud. Yeah when I got back from the debauchery in TX she said that she couldn't leave because she loved me too much.
And she admitted that I made some good points to her earlier RE: me not being a "threat" to her continuing as a JW. Which is nice in retrospect that she views me that way.
It's good to hear from you. I miss my huggin' buddy.
Thx Lisa. It fun meeting you in TX. You have the fastest grab-ass hands in TX
one of these days, hopefully soon, she'll be able to see through all that cult nonsense and realize what a good (and patient!) man she's got.
Thx, I sure hope so. I feel that I can talk to her until I am blue in the face, but actions will speak louder than words. I'm not a big believer in the bible as being inspired nowadays, but I do feel that 1 Cor 13: still holds merit.
4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.
8 Love never fails.If her Authentic True Self really loves me more than the WTS, then I should win her from the cult.
I guess that's what I am waiting to see. Who does she love more?
If you and your wife do decide to call it quits some day, at least you will be able to look back at the whole marriage and what has happened between you two and say.. "I really, really tried".\ even though your wife is still in the borg..she hasn't bolted yet, maybe it's because you are more settled and happier with what's going on in your life and are happy about the decisions you have made. Special K
It's important to me that I can look back and no that I lived up to my promise of "for better or for worse". I do love her, so I can't just give up on her. I would hope that she'd do the same for me.
Being happy and beating the WTS myth of the "typical apostate" is something that should leave an impression on her. Especially with the Sunday study coming up in the Sept 1 WT, 2nd study article, I am trying to have a good example for her refer to when the WTS spews their lies about how "apostates" conduct themselves.
I WILL be making it a point to demonstrate counter points to her before that study comes up. My hope is that when she reads that garbage, subconsciously she'll have to at least have a thought of doubt RE: what the WTS is saying about me and possibly start to question the WTS's almighty authority on some level.. Well see...
I love you and that rapscallion sibling of yours
You got mail
How did you get that bullet out of your head from our beloved BB's orders and live to go on with your life? :)
Just teasing. Always a pleasure to read your stuff.
FarkelThe coming bullet was a welcome relief. BB thought it was a fatal shot, but it only killed my cult self and freed my Authentic Self.
...I'm still pretty queasy around rats though
It's a pleasure to see you post in a thread of mine, even if it is to browbeat
Any attention is better than none at all
And no, I've never been to H 2 O, though I hear it was a jumping club to be at
That is so true about JWs seeing only the negative things now that you are out. Likely she doesnt see how much happier and better off you are. Mysterious
The negative is usually focused on, and at times fabricated to rationalize a JW's position. I've decided that I'm going to gently be a bit firm about how i have taken a stand for what is true and right, even if it is only in regards to my friends and work. No need to focus on religous issues for now.
I also am going to focus on her realizing that I am HAPPIER now more than any other time in my life. She told me that someone at the KH asked how I am doing and she told them that I wasn't doing well. That pisses me off now that I think about it.
She's establishing the lies that the WTS spreads about me and others that leave the WTS. I'm sure that she doesn't even realize it. I used to say the same thing about my mother who was a JW but then married a "worldly" guy. It's just a reaction that's installed into us by the WTS. I have to make an effort to bypass that in her and help her see that I am truly happy now.
hit enter too soon...
Was that a directive or an explanation?
New light? -
Country Girl
Paulie Waulie!
Sounds like the more esoteric aspects of your life are being well-developed, and that you have the peace and inner serenity of finding a job that will give you the satisfaction of a job well done honestly! It also appears that you have made a significant step in understanding the time and patience it will take you to see your wife through to the other side. That's what makes you so much of a good person, that you are taking that time and don't just walk out on what you feel are obligations. Of course, you could always come to Texas and be the Texas apostababes' cabana-boy if the wifey-poo situation doesn't work out. You, Gumbo, and Shotgun, dressed in little towels, fanning the apostababes at the pool and feeding us grapes.... <sigh> hehehehe. Glad to see things are going so much better... Hugs, brother...
Country Girl
That is a very moving story. I'm sorry your wife is behaving like that, I really hope she'll realise what she is doing before she loses you.
Its so sad to see so many JW wives (and JW husbands) reject their partner because of the religion. They say they don't, but they do, with these put-downs and judgements. There are so many guys on this board who seem to be really good husbands and the story is the same - their wife cannot get over the fact that they left the JWs and so she corrodes the marriage away then blames the guy.
I'm glad you're in control though and I wish you the best,
Winston Smith :>D
you could always come to Texas and be the Texas apostababes' cabana-boy if the wifey-poo situation doesn't work out. You, Gumbo, and Shotgun, dressed in little towels, fanning the apostababes at the pool and feeding us grapes.... <sigh> hehehehe
I can see it all now
I really hope she'll realise what she is doing before she loses you...I'm glad you're in control though and I wish you the best,
Thx Sirona.