In view of the present hurricane season, I'm thinking about the time that I gave the above talk in November, 1992..Here is the note to the speaker:
Help the audience to see that:
( 1 ) many so -- called acts of God are often caused or made worse by men.
( 2 ) true acts of God are often ignored by men to their peril. and,
( 3 ) we are facing the greatest act of God in all human history.
Sub -- Headings:
Prevalence of disasters, a sign of the times.
Though Bible foretells them, disasters not acts of God
What are "Acts of God?"
Greatest of acts of God yet to befall mankind
Blessings from future wonderful acts of God.
If any are interested I will take the time and break this talk down sub - heading by sub- heading for your interest, if not that's ok too. I realized that we left off going to the meetings and are tired of hearing the same old , same old.With the current hurricane season and the tremendous damage it is causing many of our friends who post here, I was wondering if the talk had been given in your old Kingdom Hall lately.