Excellent research Leolaia. It looks like the pieces are falling into place.
Rutherford Exposed: The Story of Berta and Bonnie
by Farkel 747 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Incidently, if you don't mind, what can you come up for Theodore Jaracz that I can start { run } with?
Thanks, sKally
Not important, but I was just wondering if you meant to say Lenore Rankine was Boyd's sister-in-law, not son-in-law. I don't think son-in-law would make sense age-wise.
Can't believe I got sucked back into this again. More fun researching wild geese and running into dead ends. Why do I love it so much? Just the eternal hope, I guess, of stumbling on something really amazing.
Merry....Here is the passage in question in the 1900 census.
The handwriting is sometimes hard to read, so I've posted the text here to see if it could be better read. Is the name "Lenore" or "Denore", "Desiore", ??? "Lenore" is the spelling given by the index itself. It is clear that this person is indicated as "M" (male) and "S-in-law". The last name is also hard to read, but it looks like "Rankine" and this is indeed a well-attested surname.
sf....What kind of info is useful? There is a "Theodore Jaracz" in the 1930 census, aged 22, living with his brother (?) Chester in Chicago, Cook, Illinois, do you think that is the same one? Hey, it would be interesting to look up all the current GB...the old ones at least, they are probably old enough to be in the 1930 census.
Anyone found new information?
VM, Farkel who made valuable contributions to understanding the nature and history of the WTS is not around much recently, but as you are very interested about Rutherford, perhaps you can PM him.
Leo and friends~hello~
Nothing earth-shaking, just kinda interesting, at least to me...
Remember the Treseders, who lived with Eugene & Susette Heath Black, according to the 1930 census. Ross C Treseder was described as a coca-cola salesman, like Susette's brother WP Heath JR. I quoted his remembrance of the old Coca-Cola sales meetings because their techniques reminded me of JWs. Well, also like WP Heath Jr, he was more than just a salesman. September 3, 1934 TIME magazine said this about him:
Many a corporate chief executive is annoyed by too many vice presidents—but not President Seton Porter of National Distillers. Indeed, President Porter has been hard put to find bright young men who knew anything about the liquor business except consumption. Last week, however, President Porter created two new vice presidencies, one for Arthur W. Loasby, onetime head of old Equitable Trust and chairman of National Distillers' executive committee since 1924; and one for Ross C, Treseder, who knows a lot about drink but not hard drink. Liquor-man Treseder used to be vice president & general manager of a big Coca-Cola selling subsidiary.
That's right. Just a year after prohibition was over, Mr. Treseder was VP of National Distillers. I know I have a suspicious mind, but I can't help but wonder if he's was as "innocent" as they made him sound...cos I'm still wondering who the Judge's liquor connection was during prohibition...
That's all
On second thought...maybe Rutherford was able to use this "loop-hole" in prohibition law, making his drinking (almost) perfectly legit:
SEC. 6. No one shall manufacture, sell, purchase, transport, or prescribe any liquor without first obtaining a permit from the commissioner so to do, except that a person may, without a permit, purchase and use liquor for medicinal purposes when prescribed by a physician as herein provided, and except that any person who in the opinion of the commissioner is conducting a bona fide hospital or sanitarium engaged in the treatment of persons suffering from alcoholism, may, under such rules, regulations, and conditions as the commissioner shall prescribe, purchase and use, in accord once with the methods in use in such institution liquor, to be administered to the patients of such institution under the direction of a duly qualified physician employed by such institution.
"SEC. 7. No one but a physician holding a permit to prescribe liquor shall issue any prescription for liquor. And no physician shall prescribe liquor unless after careful physical examination of the person for whose use such prescription is sought, or if such examination is found impracticable, then upon the best information obtainable, he in good faith believes that the use of such liquor as a medicine by such person is necessary and will afford relief to him from some known ailment. Not more than a pint of spiritous liquor to be taken internally shall be prescribed for use by the same person within any period of ten days and no prescription shall be filled more than once. Any pharmacist filling a prescription shall at the time endorse upon it over his own signature the word "canceled," together with the date when the liquor was delivered, and then make the same a part of the record that he is required to keep as herein provided.
Volstead Act provisionsExample of Liquor Prescription.
Anybody know if he had a physician who could have written some of these for him? (I don't think an unlicensed chiropractor qualifies.)
Just spent all day reading this stuff - wow - you guys are amazing! Hats off to you all! ..now - were we ever able to discern if the princess Bonnie was a Balko or a Rutherford? And I'm still curious - why did Rutherfords son detest him so much? There has to be a reason and whatever it was seems to be applied sometime after 1917 at the very least. At what point did Victoria Boyd become a JW? This is fascinating stuff....keep up the great work! sammieswife.
Sorry..one more question - unless I missed something, did anyone ever name the people who DID attend Rutherfords funeral? I know that there were only 4 people there and they did not include his family - did Bonnie and Berta attend the funeral? William Heath? The caretakers? He had 7 siblings didn't he - did any of them show up?