Yeah, checking for the birth and death certificates would be the next logical step. Now I know where she was born in Iowa, hopefully it wouldn't be too hard to get a copy...
Interestingly, I went to my first meetings and assemblies in DeKalb County, Georgia, in '76 and '77....wonder if I ever crossed paths with Bonnie....I have a memory of an elderly person at the assembly in a wheelchair, it was the first time I ever saw a wheelchair...
VM44....Actually, I should be able to tell with the passenger lists whether Bonnie and Joseph were travelling alone, or with other ppl from Bethel. All I would need to do is see if anyone else on board had "124 Columbia Heights" as their address... this should be interesting with respect to the 1936 and the May 1937 voyages....(prolly not foolproof tho, cause there could have been branch ppl travelling with Rutherford as well)...