One thing I took pride in as a Witnesss was that we KNEW our Bible. We could talk to any clergymen and smugly decimate them with our knowledge of the "truth".Of course, we bought into the thought that we didn't even need a high school diploma to be a real "minister of God".......What were you proud of regarding your position as a JW??????
What Qualities Did You Find Most Attractive In The Jehovah's Witnesses???
by minimus 33 Replies latest jw friends
I liked the the mixed races of people in the congregations. We didn't think of one another as black or white.
Among some witnesses, I saw a certain stoicism regarding their (often poor) lot in life. I knew a lovely young woman with a husband and three little kids. These folks had absolutely no money, but they would give their last bowl of soup to a hungry stranger. They were the most generous, loving family I've ever had the privilege to know. I never once heard them complain about being poor; they were so dazzled by the vision of a paradise earth where they'd live for all eternity, this world's problems were insignificant to them. I do wonder how they'd be today if they'd stopped pioneering and gotten jobs that paid decently, but I don't think that will ever happen, unfortunately.
Some pholks sincerity of faith, albeit misplaced. Some of the best people I've known in my life are JW's. I miss them to this day (I've been out for several years). It's a shame how that religious sect takes relatively decent people and twists their mindset in order to alienate the world around them.
But to be fair, there are non-JW's with the same sincerity of faith. It's just I'm more familiar with the witnesses.
I understand, Insomniac. But the question is, did they do it because of being JWs or just being basic good people regardless of religious affiliation. My observations over the last 50 years has been that maybe one or two people in a congregation would put themselves in danger for another peson (excluding close friends and family members, because non-JWs would do that).
Matthew 5:46-47
For if YOU love those loving YOU, what reward do YOU have? Are not also the tax collectors doing the same thing? 47 And if YOU greet YOUR brothers only, what extraordinary thing are YOU doing? Are not also the people of the nations doing the same thing?Love, Blondie