What Qualities Did You Find Most Attractive In The Jehovah's Witnesses???

by minimus 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • NeonMadman
    Actually, I found that every one of them will in the end put their own skin ahead of yours. It's a cult, folks.

    As will most of the rest of humanity. JW's are no worse than any other people, for the most part - there are good ones and bad ones - EXCEPT that the cult does corrupt them in many cases, and twist their understanding of what is good and evil. They really believe they are doing the right thing when they shun their close relative or let their child die for lack of a blood transfusion. They aren't doing those things out of selfishness, but out of a desire to do good. The problem is that the Watchtower has skewed their normal perception of what good is.

  • blondie
    that the cult does corrupt them in many cases, and twist their understanding of what is good and evil.

    Exactly my point.

  • Robdar

    I found many qualities attractive. Their devotion (albeit misguided) to God and the desire to serve him. The love that they tried to show each other. The willingness to stand firm against persecution. The willingness to be unpopular for a higher ideal.

    Really, I've been thinking a lot about it lately. I was happier as a witness. Granted, it is a false religion but what religion isn't false? At least as a Witness I knew what was expected of me. I felt loved and loved in return. I had a group of people that I belonged to. I was not an outcast (granted, I was never DF) Everything was black and white--I didn't have the confusion about things that I experience now. No matter the conflict that I had with my brothers and sisters it was nothing compared to the conflict that I have seen since I left.

    I don't care who agrees with me, the world is very much the place that JWs paint it to be. And no, it isn't a self fullfilling prophecy because I never believed it to begin with. I now see that what they said was true. There is not much love to be found in the world.

    Sometimes I still think of going back. Especially since I see what so many have become since they have left the org. Many times, on this boad and others, I see just how shitty and petty many of the xjws are towards each other.


  • NeonMadman
    Really, I've been thinking a lot about it lately. I was happier as a witness. Granted, it is a false religion but what religion isn't false? At least as a Witness I knew what was expected of me. I felt loved and loved in return. I had a group of people that I belonged to. I was not an outcast (granted, I was never DF) Everything was black and white--I didn't have the confusion about things that I experience now. No matter the conflict that I had with my brothers and sisters it was nothing compared to the conflict that I have seen since I left.

    Have you tried getting involved with a church? There are a lot of churches out there that will provide the sorts of things you are looking for without all the cult trappings, legalism and mind control. You may have to shop a bit to find a good one, but it's worth the effort when you finally do. And you'll get to meet lots of new people as you shop.

  • TresHappy

    I thought my best JW quality was my Bible knowledge...boy was I in the Land of Distortion!

  • ozziepost
    One thing I took pride in as a Witnesss was that we KNEW our Bible. We could talk to any clergymen and smugly decimate them with our knowledge of the "truth".

    But since we now know that's a lie, was it really a "quality"?

  • shera

    Everything I thought was good about the religion turned out to be not the way I thought it to be.

    There was racism,there was lack of love,and many lies.

    Everything that was attractive,was just covered in yummie sugar and once that was licked off,everything is just sour.

  • undercover

    When I was in I used to think it was the "worldwide brotherhood"(tm). Anywhere in the world you went and there were JWs, you had instant friends and someone to help you if you needed it. Who else could claim that?

    Now that I'm out, I see that it was all fake. Think about it. How could someone you just met half a world away be an instant trusted friend? They can't. No more than anyone else you meet on a work or school trip. You can become trusted friends over time, but not when you first meet nor because you read the same religious literature. But because they were "in" then we immediately accepted them and assumed that we had more friends than worldly people. JWs have mistaken acquaintances for friends. JWs mistake being duped into a cult for a "brotherhood" of special friends.

  • Evesapple
    I now see that what they said was true. There is not much love to be found in the world.

    Robyn...where have you been hiding? That's BS that there is not much love in the world....the world is full of it...since I've been out, I have found nothing but quality people with Unconditional love. Maybe you should join a group or something, meet some people....

    Now, to answer the question.....I was raised as a JW, but I can also say that they had very strong convictions....it was their certainity that is most attractive to many....when you stop depending on other people convictions and philosophies and start thinking for yourself, outside of the orgainzation...you see that their convictions are based merely on other people opinions....I mean when you see someone so certain about something, how can it be wrong? That's why sometimes it takes a little longer to leave...and also as far as love...maybe there are some genuine people, but not as a whole....there are a lot better people on the outside.....I have found....and I had attended atleast 4 different congregations in different areas on the nation.

  • PointBlank

    Dear Robyn,

    I found your post to be one of the most sincere and heartfelt posts I've ever read on this board. Facing one's demons and the baring of the soul are two very attractive qualities in a person.

    And you're so right in many aspects. However, it's one thing to be able to do that with people who've been where you've been. It's altogether another to do it with people (like JW's) where you have to tow the line to be accepted or with non-JW's who don't have a clue where you're coming from.

    I guess what I'm trying to say is that we (or at least I) understand what you're saying. Most of us desire a place where we fit and are accepted. But truthfully we (ex's) have an everlasting scar (our individual experience with the WT Society) on our soul. That scar affects the way we interact with the world around us. Unconsciously we use the scar to encase our hearts as a self-preservation mechanism. And we develop a visible persona to measure up to societal expectations. Inwardly we know we're square instead of round. As a result, we (for the most part) find that we don't 'fit' in anywhere.

    Religion does strange things to people. I don't think I've ever met anyone that religion has made a better person. A person may act better (visible persona), but their nature is not better. Only God can change our nature. And that experience is devoid of religion.

    Ultimately everything we turn to in this world for security and fulfillment will fail. That includes religion. The only thing it can provide for the soul is a false sense of peace and security. The soul can be deceived, but the spiritual core of our being (the spirit) can't. In the end it's the spirit that provides the ultimate fulfillment. And that can only occur with a one on one with God Himself. Contrary to the opinion of the majority of posters on the board, that truly does happen. PB

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