Why the children???

by New Castles 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • New Castles
    New Castles

    Why is it that the WTS seems to pick on children from such an early age? I was reading some personal stories in the best of forum, and so many have gone through rough times as a child in the JW. I personally remember times where I was ashamed, embarrassed, and upset about being a JW as a child. I remember my brother being yelled at that he would die at armaggedon, and him crying at dinner table reading and studying for the meeting. Why put children through this kind of torture?Most of the JW kids I know now lead ?double? lives because they cant take the criticism at school anymore. Just wanted to share my concern for this issue?..

  • New Castles
    New Castles

    Kids in my opinion should be worried about what they are wearing to school and whether that book report is due this week or next. They should not have to worried about whether they are going to die or not because of what they are or are not doing....

    Im so upset about this right now

  • Nosferatu

    I remember discipline as a child. First of all, I would get a beating. I always knew what followed the beating, a sit down study of a chapter in either the "Your Youth" book, or the "Great Teacher" book. The chapter that was always pounded to death was "Obedience Protects You".

  • kwintestal

    In my opinion it is all about control and preservation of the cult. You control their thoughts and actions from an early age, when they grow they are dependant on that control and require it, crave it. Its much like the cycle of physical abuse. People who were beaten by their parents as children are more likely to abuse their own children. People who have had their every action controled as children are going to control every aspect of their own children's lives to teach them how they are to raise their children, thus preserving the cult.

  • Will Power
    Will Power

    I believe another reason "why the children" is to put firmly in place all the phobias. Even if they leave for a while, there will come a time when a tragedy strikes, depression, mid-life crisis, whatever, and all these seeds can be resurrected to lure, coerse, pressure you back - to "SAVE YOURSELF!!!"

    That is why it is so important to really understand the lies, deceptions, guilt inducing and cult behaviour this org uses, so when you find yourself in need - you won't waste your time.

    I love the saying "the buck stops here" - we all must do our part in breaking the cycle of abuse. No more excuses like - "I can abuse cause I have freedom of religion."


  • Undaunted Danny
    Undaunted Danny

    I started school 1963 as a JW had a BRUTAL time.

    Cults always count the lawyers and count the kids.It's a DEAD giveaway.

    David Koresh,Jim Jones detox Joe Rutherford and Nathan Knorr all the CONTROL FREAKS with a MEAN STREAK.

    Try getting a two year old toddler to sit still through two hours of cult indoctrination.

    Meetings ment BEATINGS

  • New Castles
    New Castles

    Isn't this horrible...I dont mean to beat this to death...but someone needs to take notice of this action against JW children. Teachers should be able to do something about it....

    Im just venting

  • DaCheech

    My kids can't put up with 2 hours. I gently take them to the side room or hallway

  • myelaine

    We are told to inculcate the word of God in our children. JW parents are told to inculcate the WBTS doctrines. They are only doing what they believe God wants them to do. Unfortunately that is not the word of God. Children are very perceptive and "their angels see the face of God" Children that had to have the doctrines of the WBTS "beat into them" are blessed by God believe it or not. These childrens hearts are after God's own heart without them even knowing it. Their lives are hard, no doubt, but some of these children have grown up and left the organization, would that be a blessing from God? Yes.


    it is interesting to note that the definition of inculcate is to trample which is what they did to the Word. The other definition is to teach.

  • itsallgoodnow
    Webster's 1913 Dictionary
    \In*cul"cate\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Inculcated}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Inculcating}.] [L. inculcatus, p. p. ofinculcare to tread on; pref. in- in, on + calcare to tread, fr. calx the heel; perh. akin to E. heel. Cf. 2d {Calk}, {Heel}.] To teach and impress by frequent repetitions or admonitions; to urge on the mind; as, Christ inculcates on his followershumility. The most obvious and necessary duties of life they havenot yet had authority enough to enforce and inculcateupon men's minds. --S. Clarke. Syn: To instill; infuse; implant; engraft; impress. 
    Thesaurus Terms
    Related Terms: beat into, brainwash, catechize, condition, engrave, etch, grave, imbue, implant, impregnate, impress, imprint, indoctrinate, infix, infuse, inoculate, inscribe, instill, program, stamp

    Notice how "brainwash" is a related term for "inculcate"? "program" "condition" "indoctrinate".

    All religions do it, though. That's what Santa Claus and halloween is really about, IMO. And they also get to the kids through Sunday school. Evidently, religion isn't so natural, is it. You've got to get them while they are still young and impressionable, trusting and inexperienced. Chances are they won't ever question it.


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