Why the children???

by New Castles 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Bryan

    A child's mind is forming, growing and creating it's network. Fear and alligence to the WB&TS Inc. is hardwired into the child. What happens in a child's life becomes normal. The control, even into adulthood, is enormous, as most all of us know.


  • Netty

    New Castles, this is also something that really bothers me too. I look back on my childhood and how unhappy I was as a witness. From a very young age, all the pressure that was put on us. You're right, it is really in my opinion, actually very sick! That is why I am so so careful about what I will and will not expose my children to, or demand of them, in the name of religion. Its just so unfair to the poor little ones.

  • DaCheech

    In front of the C.O. they put me and a sister (10 to 12 at the time) to recite the bible books in the right order!

    This was a lot of pressure

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