When you read what else are you doing?

by Panda 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • Odrade

    I always read in the tub, but I don't often get in the tub when I read. LOL! And I have dropped many a book in the bathtub. That's why bathtime reading is now limited to cheap goodwill paperback novels. haha. that way when I drop them in the tub, I just fish them out and keep reading.


  • Gretchen956

    I do read with the TV on. I don't always have first choice in the programming so the book can let me be with my loved one without necessarily having to be doing the same thing. Even if its a program I like I often have a book and I read during the commercials. If I have some quiet time to read I like to curl up in a chair with something hot to drink. I have to say, though, that one of my bad habits of the past was to nibble while reading. Bad combination! I'm still trying to work off that book reading nibbling on snacks ass!


  • Bryan

    My mind never stops. Constantly my mind goes off on some fictional story not related to what I'm reading. Once I realize where I am, I have to back-up and re-read.


  • Panda

    Gretchen, I'm with you all the way. Since many years ago Mr.Panda conquered our remote I too read while he hunts for "what else is on TV." I like being with him so I don't mind the TV being on. As for nibbling..GUILTY. But worse than the reading nibbles are the 'puter nibbles.

    Bryan, Try sitting at the table to read. It does help concentration. Or maybe you need to find better authors?

    Country Woman, I wish I could escape like you do!

  • Princess
    I'm still trying to work off that book reading nibbling on snacks ass!


    I get up an hour before Steve and the kids to read and drink my coffee. Very quiet...

  • Mac


    I too read in the tub in the winter...and my books have suffered greatly for it. Paperback is best as they are indeed easily replaced. I get so mad when I nod off and hear that plunk...thus begins the desperate toweling/blotting...turn on the hair dryer..hang it just right so as not to allow the pages to stick.. GRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I once saw an expandable bookholder that cradled your book between the walls of the tub..anyone know where I can find that?

    mac, pulpy wet non-fiction class

  • FlyingHighNow
    mac, pulpy wet non-fiction class

    He really looks at pinups of Smurfette, don't let him kid you.

  • Panda

    MAC, Try Lillian Vernon online catalog. If not, try Amazon.com. I know I've seen that somewhere ??? And what a great idea too. Then you won't have moldy books hanging around the house!

    FHN, LOL kiddo...heh heh heh ... smurfettes...I get this picture in my mind and remember all of those demon smurf stories...Do you think MAC believed them?

  • FlyingHighNow
    Do you think MAC believed them?

    Yes, but he embraced the fear and became one. That's really him on his avatar. Shhhhhhh, don't tell.

  • Panda

    FHN... Maybe MAC only reads those old Smurf novels? That might be why he so carefully dries them off!!! Because there aren't any new ones... maybe he soaks in blue dye We wouldn't have to see the actual bathing ritual... just look for blue waterlogged books drying next to a radiator with suspicious blue stains on the floor from the drips. But hey..at least he reads

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