FHN... Maybe MAC only reads those old Smurf novels?
If you read his post carefully I think he gives the clue that he reads non fiction. So I am guessing it could be smurf non fiction.
by Panda 38 Replies latest jw friends
FHN... Maybe MAC only reads those old Smurf novels?
If you read his post carefully I think he gives the clue that he reads non fiction. So I am guessing it could be smurf non fiction.
FHN, LOL girlfriend. I guess if SMURFS are non fiction then maybe just maybe other little characters are non fiction too.
I think I should revise my question "When SMURFS read what else are they doing?"
I guess if SMURFS are non fiction then maybe just maybe other little characters are non fiction too.
From my JWD profile:
"I BELIEVE IN EVERYTHING until it's disproved. So I believe in fairies, the myths, dragons. It all exists even if it is in your mind. Who's to say that dreams...aren't as real as the here and now?"John Lennon
9 times out of ten am curled up in bed for the night. Total peace and quiet. No food, no drink, my bedside light on and my imagination ready to be inspired!
Drink a cup of tea,or soda.I'm constally up and down between posts,I also clean a little,sit down for a break,read the boards.Clean some more,take care of the kids.Sit down some more,read,and perhaps make a fluffy post.
Ok,I had a daaah moment.
While reading a book....lol *blush* I have to have quite when I read books,I have a hard time blocking out background noise.I usally only read while the kiddies are in bed.
I often play music, but not loudly. Also, I often read while commercials are on during TV viewing, or during things like baseball games so I don't fall asleep. It also helps divert my eyes from the screen, which is why I also read while using the computer, waiting for log-in or certain functions which seem to take forever.
MAC: I've dropped way more books in the tub BECAUSE of the expandable bathtub bookholder than from falling asleep. When the binding is tight they sit nice for a few minutes, then *pop* they spring out of the little clips, shut, and fall in. Damn bookholder.
I usually read on my lunch break. I'd much rather read that be in the breakroom trying to avoid that freak from accounting.