Problem recieving Watchtower & Awake "again"

by Dolllie 35 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Dolllie

    I posted earlier in the summer about some "racist" Witnesses who told me that I could not recieve the Watchtower & Awake magazines, or attend the Kingdom Hall, because I was Black & Blacks were not able to understand the Bible, "it was not for them".

    I wrote a letter to the Watchtower society & got a response!

    I moved out of that immediate area, a couple of towns(about 40 minutes away). I contacted the Watchtower Society after moving here to have someone bring me the Watchtower & Awake. I got a call from the local Kingdom Hall, asking if I wanted & home Bible study (I said no) & he said he would have someone bring the magazines to me.

    I recieved "nothing", no one came to my house. Finally yesterday someone came & rang my doorbell. My downstairs neighbor was in the hall when I got downstairs from the 3rd floor. When she saw that I was Black, she asked for my next door neighbor (who she had spoke with in the past), who is White. She said to give the magazines to her. She did not offer one to me, or my neighbor in the hall. When I asked her for one, she said she did not have another copy.

    I left the magazines for my next door neighbor by the door. She was home at the time, heard us talking in the hall & "did not want to be bothered with the Witnessess". Most likely she threw them out!

    "What is with this ONLY FOR WHITES BIT in this area of CT.?"

  • glitter

    Don't worry - there's nothing of worth in the Awake or WT anyway.

    Perhaps she didn't offer one *because* she did not have another copy?

    Most likely she threw them out!

    Why didn't you ask if you could have them then: when she said she was avoiding the JWs?

    "What is with this ONLY FOR WHITES BIT in this area of CT.?"

    I don't think everyone is out to get you... racism is *certainly* not something taught by the WT.

  • BluesBrother

    Why read the mags unless you wish to take up the whole J W lifestyle , in which case you might be on the wrong message board.

    Incidently, Thw WT Society may be accused of many things, but certainly NOT racism . Come to any large city convention and find that blacks seem to outnumber whites, and there are plenty of black elders.. If you met a "racist" witness, she was one in 6 million.

  • dh
    I posted earlier in the summer about some "racist" Witnesses who told me that I could not recieve the Watchtower & Awake magazines, or attend the Kingdom Hall, because I was Black & Blacks were not able to understand the Bible, "it was not for them".

    i find this very hard to believe. so i can't really comment on the rest.

  • wednesday

    I find it hard to believe too, and i live in the south. It just has to be 2 people, odd ball nut cases, b/c no kH currenlty in the USA would dare have a sign up on it saying no blacks allowed. That went away long ago.

  • jwbot

    Very strange.

  • glitter

    I'm not sure the 2 JWs (assuming they exist) are the "oddball nutcases"...

  • Margie

    This is in Connecticut? Do you mind if I ask what town (or city)?

  • Markfromcali

    We're Jehovah's Whitenesses...

  • glitter

    Does it *majorly* piss anyone else off when anyone (*anyone*) says "blacks" and "whites? Like there's not a PERSON there at all... just a colour. :(

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